samba-TNG smbd crashing

Tom Crummey tom at
Mon Apr 10 15:15:00 GMT 2000


I can confirm that the crashing is still occurring on the latest 
cvs update of samba-TNG (1300BST 10/4/00). I happened to be tracing 
the process at the time and that confirmed that the problem occurs
in the Re-use of file structs.

I have also found out that Solaris 2.7 MU 08/99 allows the customization
of core file behaviour, so I've ordered it and will endeavour to get 
a core file later this week.

Here is the relevant part of the trace output:

10458:  write(4, " C u r r e n t   e x c l".., 35)      = 35
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:  fcntl(8, F_SETLKW64, 0xFFBEEEC8)                = 0
10458:  getpid()                                        = 10458 [10037]
10458:  write(4, " c a l l i n g   o p e n".., 54)      = 54
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:  write(4, " R e - u s e d   f i l e".., 68)      = 68
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:      Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0x0004AC2C
10458:        siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000068
10458:      Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [caught]
10458:        siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000068
10458:  write(4, " = = = = = = = = = = = =".., 64)      = 64
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:  getpid()                                        = 10458 [10037]
10458:  write(4, " I N T E R N A L   E R R".., 51)      = 51
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:  write(4, " P l e a s e   r e a d  ".., 50)      = 50
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:  write(4, " = = = = = = = = = = = =".., 64)      = 64
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:  write(4, " P A N I C :   i n t e r".., 22)      = 22
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:  getuid()                                        = 0 [1747]
10458:  sigaction(SIGABRT, 0x00000000, 0xFFBEE1D8)      = 0
10458:  llseek(0, 0, SEEK_CUR)                          = 0
10458:  sigaction(SIGABRT, 0xFFBEE0A8, 0xFFBEE128)      = 0
10458:  sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, 0xFFBEE158, 0x00000000) = 0
10458:  getpid()                                        = 10458 [10037]
10458:  kill(10458, SIGABRT)                            = 0
10458:      Received signal #6, SIGABRT [default]
10458:        siginfo: SIGABRT pid=10458 uid=0
10458:          *** process killed ***


 Tom Crummey, Systems and Network Manager,      EMAIL: tom at
 Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,                  
 University College London,                       TEL: +44 (0)20 7679 3898    
 Torrington Place,                                FAX: +44 (0)20 7388 9325
 London, UK, WC1E 7JE.                         

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