
Giulio Orsero giulioo at pobox.com
Wed Apr 5 14:00:35 GMT 2000

On Wed, 5 Apr 2000 16:47:19 +1000, hai scritto:

>file unicode_map.437 (used to say 850, but i tried changing it to 437 in
>smb.conf).  The codepage.437 (and 850) are there, but i don't have this
>unicode_map file (with the codepage extension).  Please help!

I use pre3 and I have
$ ls /etc/samba/codepages/
codepage.1251  codepage.866     unicode_map.737  unicode_map.949
codepage.437   codepage.932     unicode_map.850  unicode_map.950
codepage.737   codepage.936     unicode_map.852  unicode_map.ISO8859-1
codepage.775   codepage.949     unicode_map.861  unicode_map.ISO8859-2
codepage.850   codepage.950     unicode_map.866  unicode_map.ISO8859-5
codepage.852   src              unicode_map.932  unicode_map.ISO8859-7
codepage.861   unicode_map.437  unicode_map.936  unicode_map.KOI-R

Did you execute the samba install scripts?
Something similar to:

for p in 437 737 775 850 852 861 866 932 936 949 950 1251 \
         ISO8859-1 ISO8859-2 ISO8859-5 ISO8859-7 CPKOI8-R
    if [ -f $CP_SRC/codepage_def.$p ]; then
        /usr/bin/make_smbcodepage c $p $CP_SRC/codepage_def.$p
    if [ -f $CP_SRC/CP${p}.TXT ]; then
        /usr/bin/make_unicodemap $p $CP_SRC/CP${p}.TXT

giulioo at pobox.com

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