TNG-1.8 prniting problems

Matthew Brichacek mmbrich at
Tue Apr 4 04:26:43 GMT 2000

    I just downloaded tng 1.8 and compiled on my mandrake 7.0 machine.  after starting the dameons i was unable to print a test page from win 98. This was working fine on tng-1.6 because i just used it the other day.  I saw nothing strange inthe logs however i was watching the win98 que and the linux spool.
After the win98 print job started it would spool and turn into a root process and say 100% complete but the top of the window said PAUSED even though it was not checked in the status area.  On the linux machine 2 files would spool, with the netbios of the linux macine plus some gunk and that was it.. it would sit their an do nothing.  I hope this helps. 
Also when i go to change the Microsoft Networking Password in win98 i get the error "no domain controller available"

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