Problems accessing hiden shares

tschweikle at tschweikle at
Wed Sep 29 12:32:32 GMT 1999

john.rooke <john.rooke at> wrote:

>We use samba-2.1-prealpha on SuSE Linux 6.0 as a PDC with a network of
>NT Workstation 4.0 PC's.
>When I try and access a PC hidden share from my NT Workstation e.g.
>\\pc1\c$ I get a message 'The network path was not found.". I am set up
>as a Domain Admins user in User Manager For Domains so it should be OK.
>What am I missing?

With the error message given, there are three possebilities:

1. Are you trying to access the mentioned share on your samba
   box? If, the answer is easy: it doesn't exist there. Samba
   only shares what is given in 'smb.conf'.

2. If trying to access this on an other NT box. Have a look
   if it is realy shared there. One might have made registry
   entrys to have this box not share these normaly default
   shares or just stoped sharing these by hand from Server-

3. If the share you want to access is on a Win9x box --- it
   might not even be running neccessary services, thus not
   sharing anything at all.


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