machine passwd

Sebastien Corriveau sebastien.corriveau at
Fri Sep 17 12:14:15 GMT 1999

"Wingate, Steve [IBM NON J&J]" wrote:
> I read an article in a recent Windows NT magazine stating that computers
> change their own domain computeraccount password every 7 days. Disconnecting
> a machine (laptop user for example) from the domain for longer than this
> period can cause login errors. I can't recall the exact error but something
> along the lines of 'computer trust account being broken or no longer
> established'.

Yes and no. NT PDC negociate a new computeraccount password every 7 days
with all NT domain members. However, if the workstation is not accessible
the password will not be changed and the laptop (in your exemple) will still
be able to connect with the PDC the next time.

Suppose your your company closes for 2 weeks during summer. You don't want
to re-establish every trust relationship between the PDC and it's members.

> Steve Wingate, MCSE

I'm not a MCSE but I think I'm right on that. Please tell me if I'm not.

Sebastien Corriveau                                     Tel: (819)820-6855
Responsable de l'informatique                           Fax: (819)820-6841

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