Samba PDC and Samba BDC?

Iain Rae iainr at
Wed Sep 15 15:38:06 GMT 1999

Apologies if you've already seen something like this but I've not got my
usual TO: copy and it doesn't appear on the archive.

We have a lab (40 PC's) happily running samba as a PDC, I'm in the process
of tagging on another lab (15 PC's) on a seperate subnet, using wins I
have no problems getting the second labs PC's to register etc. However I'd
like to add in some redundancy and have a BDC on the second subnet which
would handle domain logins. 

Is the samba domain controller stuff far enough on that I can do this?

| Iain Rae               | Tel: 0131 449 5111 Ext 4406 (Day)(but I'm never in)|
| Computing Officer.     | Any Opinions I am able to form are my own and in no|
| Civil & Offshore Eng.  | way reflect those of my employers.                 |
| Heriot-Watt University.| Well that's my opinion anyway.                     |

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