vote / opinions required on rpcclient

Paolo Molaro lupus at
Mon Nov 29 09:46:52 GMT 1999

On Sat, Nov 27, 1999 at 11:30:35AM +1100, Luke Leighton wrote:
> i need to know whether people think it would be a good idea to retire
> rpcclient in favour of the following command suite:
> basically, a suite of programs that match nt's .EXE equivalents.

If you're going to rewrite rpcclient, may I suggest you build a library
instead and link the new rpcclient with it.
This way il will be easier to build the other programs and it will be
possible to create bindings for perl or whatever interpreted language
you may want.
Right now rpcclient and smbclient are very useful, but using them
in non-interactive mode is a bit of a pain (expect is handy, but
sometime you want greater control).

Summary: give me a library and I'll give you the perl bindings:-)


lupus at                                     debian/rules

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