slow code on Solaris 2.6

Valdas Andrulis valdand at
Mon Nov 15 19:32:00 GMT 1999


I am trying Samba CVS code with PDC support.
Problem: it has very slow response time. E.g. if i execute smbpasswd -h
it takes 8-10 seconds to respond. AFAIK it is contacting smbd over
sockets, but why so slow?

Inspecting with truss gives following:
stat64(4, 0xEFFFE040)                          = 0
getsockopt(4, 65535, 8192, 0xEFFFE144, 0xEFFFE140) = 0
setsockopt(4, 65535, 8192, 0xEFFFE144, 4)       = 0
fcntl(4, F_SETFL, 0x00000002)                   = 0
write(4, "\0\0\0A4FF S M B r\0\0\0".., 168)     = 168
poll(0xEFFFBF18, 1, 20000)      (sleeping...)
poll(0xEFFFBF18, 1, 20000)                      = 1
read(4, "\0\0\0 W", 4)                          = 4
read(4, "FF S M B r\0\0\0\08801\0".., 87)       = 87
write(4, "\0\0\0 PFF S M B s\0\0\0".., 84)      = 84
poll(0xEFFFBD98, 1, 20000)                      = 1
read(4, "\0\0\0 H", 4)                          = 4
read(4, "FF S M B s\0\0\0\08801\0".., 72)       = 72
write(4, "\0\0\0 =FF S M B u\0\0\0".., 65)      = 65

So it sends the first request and then waits. All other request come up

the same problem applies for all request to samba.

Any comments, suggestions?

If you need more information just ask.



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