nt groups

Chad Cunningham ccunning at math.ohio-state.edu
Fri Feb 5 03:28:35 GMT 1999

Sure, I did it on Solaris 2.7 on a Sparc Ultra5. I knew several people who were
trying to accomplish it at the time, so I put up a 5 minute guide at
http://socrates.mps.ohio-state.edu/~ccunning/samba.html. I used the 2.0 release.
If you have any problems, let me know. The process described on the page was
painless and quick for me.

Henry Liao wrote:

>         I have been trying to get Solaris 2.7 or 2.6 to run as NT PDC.
> Would you please shed some light on how you have configured yours. The
> smb.conf, passwd, smbpasswd would be very helpful.  Are you using the
> HEAD or the SAMBA_2_0 branch from CVS?  I tried everything in the
> NTDOMAIN FAQ w/o any success.  Any pointer is greatly appreciated.
> TIA.
> -Henry Liao                     o
> Network Systems Group            )>     Henry.Liao at calstatela.edu
> Cal State Univ, Los Angeles ___./]___   http://www.calstatela.edu/staff/hliao

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