Access permissions

David Bannon D.Bannon at
Sun Oct 25 21:40:40 GMT 1998

At 08:26 PM 23/10/1998 +1000, Jason Armstrong wrote:
>My problem: Can't access Registry settings. 

Could it be that you have copied profiles between users. The NTUSER.DAT
file includes (internally) a list of who can access it. If someone not on
that list tries to use it because its in their profile directory, NT acts
that way. Seems to work OK but no user settings possible.

David Bannon                      D.Bannon at
School of Biochemistry            Phone 61 03 9479 2197
La Trobe University, Plenty Rd,   Fax   61 03 9479 2467
Bundoora, Vic, Australia, 3083
..... Humpty Dumpty was pushed !

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