R: Re: R: Re: R: [Samba-it] Lista utenti

Alessandro Marcheggiani al.mc at lycos.it
Mon Oct 20 12:35:01 MDT 2003

UNIX token of user 0
  Primary group is 0 and contains 0 supplementary groups
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:smbpasswd_getsampwent(1249)
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:getsmbfilepwent(463)
  getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user fdgc$, uid 569
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:smbpasswd_getsampwent(1273)
  getsampwent (smbpasswd): done
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] rpc_server/srv_samr_nt.c:load_sampwd_entries(249)
   acb_mask 10 reject
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:smbpasswd_getsampwent(1249)
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:getsmbfilepwent(463)
  getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user srzz$, uid 592
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:smbpasswd_getsampwent(1273)
  getsampwent (smbpasswd): done
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] rpc_server/srv_samr_nt.c:load_sampwd_entries(249)
   acb_mask 10 reject
[2003/10/13 18:14:00, 5] passdb/pdb_smbpasswd.c:smbpasswd_getsampwent(1249)

Questo è il log per acb_mask.
Ho cambiato il backend con tdbsam.
Adesso il log sopra non c'è più. La cosa non funziona uguale e ho il seguente log:

[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(513)
  trans <\PIPE> data=72 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(326)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(288)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "samr" (pnum 77c8)api_pipe_bind_req: \PIPE\samr -
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:check_bind_req(727)
  check_bind_req for \PIPE\samr
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] smbd/process.c:process_smb(890)
  Transaction 123 of length 128
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 13819)
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(513)
  trans <\PIPE> data=44 params=0 setup=2
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] smbd/ipc.c:named_pipe(326)
  named pipe command on <> name
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] smbd/ipc.c:api_fd_reply(288)
  Got API command 0x26 on pipe "samr" (pnum 77c8)free_pipe_context: destroying t
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_rpcTNP(1495)
  api_rpcTNP: rpc command: SAMR_CLOSE_HND
[2003/10/20 12:14:02, 3] rpc_server/srv_lsa_hnd.c:close_policy_hnd(196)
  Error closing policy


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