Diagnosis.txt Suggestion from a samba newbie

Jeff Smith jeffs at qualitymetalcraft.com
Tue Oct 1 14:53:03 GMT 2002

I am a Samba nubie admin and I found the DIAGNOSIS.txt article on the
samba.org/samba/docs webpage extremely helpful in finding the cure for my
samba configuration troubles.

If this document is still being maintained, I would suggest a minor change.
As it is a step-by-step document where each step logically follows the other
to diagnose a problem, I followed it up to "Test 9" where I encountered a
"Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password" error that I could not
resolve with the suggestions that accompanied that particular test. Of
course since my system failed "TEST 9", I erroniously assumed that
continuing the sequence of tests would not be fruitful. After searching the
samba mailing list archives, I finally discovered that for validating to
Samba from NT or W2K the password encryption selection must be enabled. This
worked for me and eliminated my error. I decided to continue reviewing the
DIAGNOSIS.txt article out of curiosity and discovered that the fix I needed
was there all along. It was in the documentaiton for "TEST 11".

I would recommend adding wording to "TEST 9" that includes reference to this
encryption requirement, or at least refers the adminsitrator to the
following tests.

Hopefully this information will be of some use.

Jeff Smith
jeffs at qualitymetalcraft.com
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