suggestion: small amendment to Printing How-to

meaculpa meaculpa at
Sat Mar 2 10:08:54 GMT 2002

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002 14:45:10 +1000
<peter.a.bryant at> wrote:

peter.a.bryant> I'd like to suggest this tiny amendment to the wording...
peter.a.bryant>      "Once you have created the required [print$] service and associated
peter.a.bryant> subdirectories, simply log onto the Samba
peter.a.bryant>      server using a root (or printer admin) account from a Windows NT 4.0
peter.a.bryant> client.   Open "Network Neighbourhood" or
peter.a.bryant>      "My Network Places" and  navigate to the "Printers" folder on the Samba
peter.a.bryant> server.
peter.a.bryant>      You should see an initial listing of printers that matches the printer
peter.a.bryant> shares defined on your Samba host."
Very well, this is a good change to the Samba newbie, especially they
work under Windows.

Thank you so much!

Have fun! (Chinese Man Pages Project)

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