[SCM] Samba Shared Repository - branch master updated

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Mon Mar 14 16:54:02 MDT 2011

The branch, master has been updated
       via  431853c Merge new lorikeet heimdal, revision 85ed7247f515770c73b1f1ced1739f6ce19d75d2
      from  8dfa224 s3: Change tldap_entry_attributes to the "array,count" convention


- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 431853c84644c02e6bff1b325af5e94d3b1eacc6
Author: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 14 23:06:40 2011 +0100

    Merge new lorikeet heimdal, revision 85ed7247f515770c73b1f1ced1739f6ce19d75d2
    Autobuild-User: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
    Autobuild-Date: Mon Mar 14 23:53:46 CET 2011 on sn-devel-104


Summary of changes:
 source4/heimdal/base/dict.c                        |    2 +-
 source4/heimdal/base/heimbase.c                    |    2 +-
 source4/heimdal/kdc/default_config.c               |    6 +-
 source4/heimdal/kdc/kdc.h                          |    1 +
 source4/heimdal/lib/asn1/asn1parse.c               | 3955 +++++++++++++-------
 source4/heimdal/lib/asn1/asn1parse.h               |  329 ++-
 source4/heimdal/lib/asn1/krb5.asn1                 |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/asn1/lex.c                     |   28 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/com_err/lex.c                  |   28 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/com_err/parse.c                | 2035 ++++++++---
 source4/heimdal/lib/com_err/parse.h                |   92 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/gssapi/gssapi/gssapi.h         |   49 +
 source4/heimdal/lib/gssapi/gssapi/gssapi_oid.h     |    7 +
 source4/heimdal/lib/gssapi/gssapi_mech.h           |   62 +-
 .../heimdal/lib/gssapi/krb5/accept_sec_context.c   |    1 +
 .../heimdal/lib/gssapi/krb5/import_sec_context.c   |    2 +
 source4/heimdal/lib/gssapi/mech/gss_mech_switch.c  |   18 +
 source4/heimdal/lib/gssapi/mech/gss_mo.c           |    2 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/gssapi/mech/gss_oid.c          |    7 +
 source4/heimdal/lib/gssapi/version-script.map      |    6 +
 source4/heimdal/lib/hcrypto/rsa.c                  |    2 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/cert.c                   |    8 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/cms.c                    |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/collector.c              |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/crypto.c                 |   20 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/keyset.c                 |    2 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/ks_keychain.c            |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/ks_mem.c                 |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/ks_p11.c                 |    6 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/lex.yy.c                 |  129 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/req.c                    |   24 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/sel-gram.c               | 2150 ++++++++---
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/sel-gram.h               |   95 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/sel-lex.c                |   28 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/hx509/version-script.map       |   26 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/context.c                 |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-aes.c              |   18 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-algs.c             |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-arcfour.c          |   28 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-des-common.c       |   12 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-des.c              |   54 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-des3.c             |   24 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-evp.c              |   18 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-null.c             |   10 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto-pk.c               |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto.c                  |  162 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/crypto.h                  |   99 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/get_cred.c                |    6 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/keytab.c                  |    5 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/krb5.h                    |    2 +
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/pac.c                     |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/plugin.c                  |   14 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/salt-aes.c                |    4 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/krb5/salt.c                    |   10 +-
 source4/heimdal/lib/ntlm/ntlm.c                    |    5 +-
 source4/rpc_server/backupkey/dcesrv_backupkey.c    |   54 +-
 source4/torture/rpc/backupkey.c                    |    2 +-
 57 files changed, 6935 insertions(+), 2750 deletions(-)

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/source4/heimdal/base/dict.c b/source4/heimdal/base/dict.c
index 2eb57aa..7522c8c 100644
--- a/source4/heimdal/base/dict.c
+++ b/source4/heimdal/base/dict.c
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ heim_dict_create(size_t size)
 	return NULL;
     dict->tab = calloc(dict->size, sizeof(dict->tab[0]));
     if (dict->tab == NULL) {
 	dict->size = 0;
diff --git a/source4/heimdal/base/heimbase.c b/source4/heimdal/base/heimbase.c
index 7031af9..0166871 100644
--- a/source4/heimdal/base/heimbase.c
+++ b/source4/heimdal/base/heimbase.c
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ void
 heim_abortv(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
     static char str[1024];
     vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), fmt, ap);
     syslog(LOG_ERR, "heim_abort: %s", str);
diff --git a/source4/heimdal/kdc/default_config.c b/source4/heimdal/kdc/default_config.c
index e262453..1441c31 100644
--- a/source4/heimdal/kdc/default_config.c
+++ b/source4/heimdal/kdc/default_config.c
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ krb5_kdc_pkinit_config(krb5_context context, krb5_kdc_configuration *config)
     if (config->pkinit_kdc_identity == NULL) {
 	if (config->pkinit_kdc_friendly_name == NULL)
-	    config->pkinit_kdc_friendly_name =
+	    config->pkinit_kdc_friendly_name = 
 		strdup("O=System Identity,CN=com.apple.kerberos.kdc");
 	config->pkinit_kdc_identity = strdup("KEYCHAIN:");
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ krb5_kdc_pkinit_config(krb5_context context, krb5_kdc_configuration *config)
     if (config->enable_pkinit) {
 	if (config->pkinit_kdc_identity == NULL)
 	    krb5_errx(context, 1, "pkinit enabled but no identity");
 	if (config->pkinit_kdc_anchors == NULL)
 	    krb5_errx(context, 1, "pkinit enabled but no X509 anchors");
@@ -298,4 +298,4 @@ krb5_kdc_pkinit_config(krb5_context context, krb5_kdc_configuration *config)
     return 0;
 #endif /* PKINIT */
diff --git a/source4/heimdal/kdc/kdc.h b/source4/heimdal/kdc/kdc.h
index c353ca1..139b5e7 100644
--- a/source4/heimdal/kdc/kdc.h
+++ b/source4/heimdal/kdc/kdc.h
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 #ifndef __KDC_H__
 #define __KDC_H__
+#include <hdb.h>
 #include <krb5.h>
 enum krb5_kdc_trpolicy {
diff --git a/source4/heimdal/lib/asn1/asn1parse.c b/source4/heimdal/lib/asn1/asn1parse.c
index 0382bcf..08d068b 100644
--- a/source4/heimdal/lib/asn1/asn1parse.c
+++ b/source4/heimdal/lib/asn1/asn1parse.c
@@ -1,37 +1,75 @@
-#ifndef lint
-static const char yysccsid[] = "@(#)yaccpar	1.9 (Berkeley) 02/21/93";
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
+/* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.4.1.  */
-#define YYBYACC 1
-#define YYMAJOR 1
-#define YYMINOR 9
-#define YYPATCH 20100216
+/* Skeleton implementation for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C
+      Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
+   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+   (at your option) any later version.
+   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
-#define YYEMPTY        (-1)
-#define yyclearin      (yychar = YYEMPTY)
-#define yyerrok        (yyerrflag = 0)
-#define YYRECOVERING() (yyerrflag != 0)
+/* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
+   part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
+   under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
+   parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
+   as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
+   the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
+   special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
+   Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
+   License without this special exception.
+   This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
+   version 2.2 of Bison.  */
-#define YYPREFIX "yy"
+/* C LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Richard Stallman, by
+   simplifying the original so-called "semantic" parser.  */
-/* compatibility with bison */
-/* compatibility with FreeBSD */
-#define YYPARSE_DECL() yyparse(void *YYPARSE_PARAM)
-#define YYPARSE_DECL() yyparse(void)
-#endif /* YYPARSE_PARAM */
+/* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid
+   infringing on user name space.  This should be done even for local
+   variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros.
+   There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to
+   define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON
+   USER NAME SPACE" below.  */
+/* Identify Bison output.  */
+#define YYBISON 1
+/* Bison version.  */
+#define YYBISON_VERSION "2.4.1"
+/* Skeleton name.  */
+#define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c"
+/* Pure parsers.  */
+#define YYPURE 0
+/* Push parsers.  */
+#define YYPUSH 0
-extern int YYPARSE_DECL();
+/* Pull parsers.  */
+#define YYPULL 1
+/* Using locations.  */
+#define YYLSP_NEEDED 0
+/* Copy the first part of user declarations.  */
+/* Line 189 of yacc.c  */
+#line 38 "asn1parse.c"
-#line 39 "asn1parse.c"
 #include <config.h>
@@ -62,8 +100,224 @@ struct string_list {
 #define YYMALLOC malloc
 #define YYFREE   free
+/* Line 189 of yacc.c  */
+#line 107 "asn1parse.c"
+/* Enabling traces.  */
+#ifndef YYDEBUG
+# define YYDEBUG 0
+/* Enabling verbose error messages.  */
+/* Enabling the token table.  */
+# define YYTOKEN_TABLE 0
+/* Tokens.  */
+   /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
+      know about them.  */
+   enum yytokentype {
+     kw_ABSENT = 258,
+     kw_ABSTRACT_SYNTAX = 259,
+     kw_ALL = 260,
+     kw_APPLICATION = 261,
+     kw_AUTOMATIC = 262,
+     kw_BEGIN = 263,
+     kw_BIT = 264,
+     kw_BMPString = 265,
+     kw_BOOLEAN = 266,
+     kw_BY = 267,
+     kw_CHARACTER = 268,
+     kw_CHOICE = 269,
+     kw_CLASS = 270,
+     kw_COMPONENT = 271,
+     kw_COMPONENTS = 272,
+     kw_CONSTRAINED = 273,
+     kw_CONTAINING = 274,
+     kw_DEFAULT = 275,
+     kw_DEFINITIONS = 276,
+     kw_EMBEDDED = 277,
+     kw_ENCODED = 278,
+     kw_END = 279,
+     kw_ENUMERATED = 280,
+     kw_EXCEPT = 281,
+     kw_EXPLICIT = 282,
+     kw_EXPORTS = 283,
+     kw_EXTENSIBILITY = 284,
+     kw_EXTERNAL = 285,
+     kw_FALSE = 286,
+     kw_FROM = 287,
+     kw_GeneralString = 288,
+     kw_GeneralizedTime = 289,
+     kw_GraphicString = 290,
+     kw_IA5String = 291,
+     kw_IDENTIFIER = 292,
+     kw_IMPLICIT = 293,
+     kw_IMPLIED = 294,
+     kw_IMPORTS = 295,
+     kw_INCLUDES = 296,
+     kw_INSTANCE = 297,
+     kw_INTEGER = 298,
+     kw_INTERSECTION = 299,
+     kw_ISO646String = 300,
+     kw_MAX = 301,
+     kw_MIN = 302,
+     kw_MINUS_INFINITY = 303,
+     kw_NULL = 304,
+     kw_NumericString = 305,
+     kw_OBJECT = 306,
+     kw_OCTET = 307,
+     kw_OF = 308,
+     kw_OPTIONAL = 309,
+     kw_ObjectDescriptor = 310,
+     kw_PATTERN = 311,
+     kw_PDV = 312,
+     kw_PLUS_INFINITY = 313,
+     kw_PRESENT = 314,
+     kw_PRIVATE = 315,
+     kw_PrintableString = 316,
+     kw_REAL = 317,
+     kw_RELATIVE_OID = 318,
+     kw_SEQUENCE = 319,
+     kw_SET = 320,
+     kw_SIZE = 321,
+     kw_STRING = 322,
+     kw_SYNTAX = 323,
+     kw_T61String = 324,
+     kw_TAGS = 325,
+     kw_TRUE = 326,
+     kw_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = 327,
+     kw_TeletexString = 328,
+     kw_UNION = 329,
+     kw_UNIQUE = 330,
+     kw_UNIVERSAL = 331,
+     kw_UTCTime = 332,
+     kw_UTF8String = 333,
+     kw_UniversalString = 334,
+     kw_VideotexString = 335,
+     kw_VisibleString = 336,
+     kw_WITH = 337,
+     RANGE = 338,
+     EEQUAL = 339,
+     ELLIPSIS = 340,
+     IDENTIFIER = 341,
+     referencename = 342,
+     STRING = 343,
+     NUMBER = 344
+   };
+/* Tokens.  */
+#define kw_ABSENT 258
+#define kw_ABSTRACT_SYNTAX 259
+#define kw_ALL 260
+#define kw_APPLICATION 261
+#define kw_AUTOMATIC 262
+#define kw_BEGIN 263
+#define kw_BIT 264
+#define kw_BMPString 265
+#define kw_BOOLEAN 266
+#define kw_BY 267
+#define kw_CHARACTER 268
+#define kw_CHOICE 269
+#define kw_CLASS 270
+#define kw_COMPONENT 271
+#define kw_COMPONENTS 272
+#define kw_CONSTRAINED 273
+#define kw_CONTAINING 274
+#define kw_DEFAULT 275
+#define kw_DEFINITIONS 276
+#define kw_EMBEDDED 277
+#define kw_ENCODED 278
+#define kw_END 279
+#define kw_ENUMERATED 280
+#define kw_EXCEPT 281
+#define kw_EXPLICIT 282
+#define kw_EXPORTS 283
+#define kw_EXTENSIBILITY 284
+#define kw_EXTERNAL 285
+#define kw_FALSE 286
+#define kw_FROM 287
+#define kw_GeneralString 288
+#define kw_GeneralizedTime 289
+#define kw_GraphicString 290
+#define kw_IA5String 291
+#define kw_IDENTIFIER 292
+#define kw_IMPLICIT 293
+#define kw_IMPLIED 294
+#define kw_IMPORTS 295
+#define kw_INCLUDES 296
+#define kw_INSTANCE 297
+#define kw_INTEGER 298
+#define kw_INTERSECTION 299
+#define kw_ISO646String 300
+#define kw_MAX 301
+#define kw_MIN 302
+#define kw_MINUS_INFINITY 303
+#define kw_NULL 304
+#define kw_NumericString 305
+#define kw_OBJECT 306
+#define kw_OCTET 307
+#define kw_OF 308
+#define kw_OPTIONAL 309
+#define kw_ObjectDescriptor 310
+#define kw_PATTERN 311
+#define kw_PDV 312
+#define kw_PLUS_INFINITY 313
+#define kw_PRESENT 314
+#define kw_PRIVATE 315
+#define kw_PrintableString 316
+#define kw_REAL 317
+#define kw_RELATIVE_OID 318
+#define kw_SEQUENCE 319
+#define kw_SET 320
+#define kw_SIZE 321
+#define kw_STRING 322
+#define kw_SYNTAX 323
+#define kw_T61String 324
+#define kw_TAGS 325
+#define kw_TRUE 326
+#define kw_TYPE_IDENTIFIER 327
+#define kw_TeletexString 328
+#define kw_UNION 329
+#define kw_UNIQUE 330
+#define kw_UNIVERSAL 331
+#define kw_UTCTime 332
+#define kw_UTF8String 333
+#define kw_UniversalString 334
+#define kw_VideotexString 335
+#define kw_VisibleString 336
+#define kw_WITH 337
+#define RANGE 338
+#define EEQUAL 339
+#define ELLIPSIS 340
+#define IDENTIFIER 341
+#define referencename 342
+#define STRING 343
+#define NUMBER 344
+#if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
+typedef union YYSTYPE
+/* Line 214 of yacc.c  */
 #line 71 "asn1parse.c"
-typedef union {
     int constant;
     struct value *value;
     struct range *range;
@@ -76,1146 +330,1888 @@ typedef union {
     struct tagtype tag;
     struct memhead *members;
     struct constraint_spec *constraint_spec;
+/* Line 214 of yacc.c  */
+#line 338 "asn1parse.c"
-#line 80 "asn1parse.c"
-#define kw_ABSENT 257
-#define kw_ABSTRACT_SYNTAX 258
-#define kw_ALL 259
-#define kw_APPLICATION 260
-#define kw_AUTOMATIC 261
-#define kw_BEGIN 262
-#define kw_BIT 263
-#define kw_BMPString 264
-#define kw_BOOLEAN 265
-#define kw_BY 266
-#define kw_CHARACTER 267
-#define kw_CHOICE 268
-#define kw_CLASS 269
-#define kw_COMPONENT 270
-#define kw_COMPONENTS 271
-#define kw_CONSTRAINED 272
-#define kw_CONTAINING 273
-#define kw_DEFAULT 274
-#define kw_DEFINITIONS 275
-#define kw_EMBEDDED 276
-#define kw_ENCODED 277
-#define kw_END 278
-#define kw_ENUMERATED 279
-#define kw_EXCEPT 280
-#define kw_EXPLICIT 281
-#define kw_EXPORTS 282
-#define kw_EXTENSIBILITY 283
-#define kw_EXTERNAL 284
-#define kw_FALSE 285
-#define kw_FROM 286
-#define kw_GeneralString 287
-#define kw_GeneralizedTime 288
-#define kw_GraphicString 289
-#define kw_IA5String 290
-#define kw_IDENTIFIER 291
-#define kw_IMPLICIT 292
-#define kw_IMPLIED 293
-#define kw_IMPORTS 294
-#define kw_INCLUDES 295
-#define kw_INSTANCE 296
-#define kw_INTEGER 297
-#define kw_INTERSECTION 298
-#define kw_ISO646String 299
-#define kw_MAX 300
-#define kw_MIN 301
-#define kw_MINUS_INFINITY 302
-#define kw_NULL 303
-#define kw_NumericString 304
-#define kw_OBJECT 305
-#define kw_OCTET 306
-#define kw_OF 307
-#define kw_OPTIONAL 308
-#define kw_ObjectDescriptor 309
-#define kw_PATTERN 310
-#define kw_PDV 311
-#define kw_PLUS_INFINITY 312
-#define kw_PRESENT 313
-#define kw_PRIVATE 314
-#define kw_PrintableString 315
-#define kw_REAL 316
-#define kw_RELATIVE_OID 317
-#define kw_SEQUENCE 318
-#define kw_SET 319
-#define kw_SIZE 320
-#define kw_STRING 321
-#define kw_SYNTAX 322
-#define kw_T61String 323
-#define kw_TAGS 324
-#define kw_TRUE 325
-#define kw_TYPE_IDENTIFIER 326
-#define kw_TeletexString 327
-#define kw_UNION 328
-#define kw_UNIQUE 329
-#define kw_UNIVERSAL 330
-#define kw_UTCTime 331
-#define kw_UTF8String 332
-#define kw_UniversalString 333
-#define kw_VideotexString 334
-#define kw_VisibleString 335
-#define kw_WITH 336
-#define RANGE 337
-#define EEQUAL 338
-#define ELLIPSIS 339
-#define IDENTIFIER 340
-#define referencename 341
-#define STRING 342
-#define NUMBER 343
-#define YYERRCODE 256
-static const short yylhs[] = {                           -1,
-    0,   56,   56,   56,   56,   57,   57,   58,   58,   60,

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