[SCM] build.samba.org - branch master updated

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Sat Nov 13 05:56:11 MST 2010

The branch, master has been updated
       via  1a6118b Support overriding cache page on command line for web/build.py Put pages into a separate class. Several other fixes.
      from  e4024b8 Various fixes found during ad-hoc testing.


- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 1a6118b447040ec837cba9e7c832f779a3a548e6
Author: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>
Date:   Sat Nov 13 13:55:45 2010 +0100

    Support overriding cache page on command line for web/build.py
    Put pages into a separate class.
    Several other fixes.


Summary of changes:
 buildfarm/history.py |    2 +-
 web/build.py         | 1204 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 2 files changed, 620 insertions(+), 586 deletions(-)

Changeset truncated at 500 lines:

diff --git a/buildfarm/history.py b/buildfarm/history.py
index 537ce48..d52bec1 100644
--- a/buildfarm/history.py
+++ b/buildfarm/history.py
@@ -106,5 +106,5 @@ class GitBranch(object):
         commit = self.repo[revision]
         f = StringIO()
         for (oldpath, newpath), (oldmode, newmode), (oldsha, newsha) in self._changes_for(commit):
-            write_blob_diff((oldpath, oldmode, self.store[oldsha]), (newpath, newmode, self.store[newsha]))
+            write_blob_diff(f, (oldpath, oldmode, self.store[oldsha]), (newpath, newmode, self.store[newsha]))
         return (self._revision_from_commit(commit), f.getvalue())
diff --git a/web/build.py b/web/build.py
index dc1ddb1..f8d74d5 100755
--- a/web/build.py
+++ b/web/build.py
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
 # This CGI script presents the results of the build_farm build
+# Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>     2010
+# Copyright (C) Matthieu Patou <mat at matws.net>         2010
+# Based on the original web/build.pl:
 # Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell <tridge at samba.org>     2001-2005
 # Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett <abartlet at samba.org>   2001
 # Copyright (C) Vance Lankhaar  <vance at samba.org>      2002-2005
 # Copyright (C) Martin Pool <mbp at samba.org>            2001
-# Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>     2007-2010
-# Copyright (C) Matthieu Patou <mat at matws.net>         2010-2010
+# Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org>     2007
 #   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 #   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -32,6 +36,7 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".."))
 from buildfarm import (
+    hostdb,
@@ -44,16 +49,6 @@ standalone = 0
 webdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
 basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(webdir, ".."))
-buildfarm = CachingBuildFarm()
-db = data.BuildResultStore(basedir)
-hostsdb = buildfarm.hostdb
-compilers = buildfarm.compilers
-# host.properties are unicode object and the framework expect string object
-hosts = dict([(host.name.encode("utf-8"), host) for host in hostsdb.hosts()])
-trees = buildfarm.trees
-OLDAGE = buildfarm.OLDAGE
 UNPACKED_BASE = "http://svn.samba.org/ftp/unpacked"
 GITWEB_BASE = "http://gitweb.samba.org"
@@ -123,13 +118,6 @@ def build_status_html(myself, build):
     return build_link(myself, build.tree, build.host, build.compiler, build.revision, status)
-def red_age(age):
-    """show an age as a string"""
-    if age > OLDAGE:
-        return "<span clsas='old'>%s</span>" % util.dhm_time(age)
-    return util.dhm_time(age)
 def build_status_vals(status):
     """translate a status into a set of int representing status"""
     status = util.strip_html(status)
@@ -142,89 +130,6 @@ def build_status_vals(status):
     return status.split("/")
-def view_summary(myself, output_type):
-    """view build summary"""
-    i = 0
-    cols = 2
-    broken = 0
-    broken_count = {}
-    panic_count = {}
-    host_count = {}
-    # zero broken and panic counters
-    for tree in trees:
-        broken_count[tree] = 0
-        panic_count[tree] = 0
-        host_count[tree] = 0
-    # set up a variable to store the broken builds table's code, so we can
-    # output when we want
-    broken_table = ""
-    last_host = ""
-    # for the text report, include the current time
-    if output_type == 'text':
-        t = time.gmtime()
-        yield "Build status as of %s\n\n" % t
-    for host in hosts.values():
-        for compiler in compilers:
-            for tree in trees:
-                try:
-                    build = buildfarm.get_build(tree, host.name.encode("utf-8"), compiler)
-                    status = build_status_html(myself, build)
-                except data.NoSuchBuildError:
-                    continue
-                age_mtime = build.age_mtime()
-                host_count[tree]+=1
-                if "status failed" in status:
-                    broken_count[tree]+=1
-                    if "PANIC" in status:
-                        panic_count[tree]+=1
-    if output_type == 'text':
-        yield "Build counts:\n"
-        yield "%-12s %-6s %-6s %-6s\n" % ("Tree", "Total", "Broken", "Panic")
-    else:
-        yield "<div id='build-counts' class='build-section'>"
-        yield "<h2>Build counts:</h2>"
-        yield "<table class='real'>"
-        yield "<thead><tr><th>Tree</th><th>Total</th><th>Broken</th><th>Panic</th><th>Test coverage</th></tr></thead>"
-        yield "<tbody>"
-    for tree in sorted(trees.keys()):
-        if output_type == 'text':
-            yield "%-12s %-6s %-6s %-6s\n" % (tree, host_count[tree],
-                    broken_count[tree], panic_count[tree])
-        else:
-            yield "<tr>"
-            yield "<td>%s</td>" % tree_link(myself, tree)
-            yield "<td>%s</td>" % host_count[tree]
-            yield "<td>%s</td>" % broken_count[tree]
-            if panic_count[tree]:
-                    yield "<td class='panic'>"
-            else:
-                    yield "<td>"
-            yield "%d</td>" % panic_count[tree]
-            try:
-                lcov_status = buildfarm.lcov_status(tree)
-            except data.NoSuchBuildError:
-                yield "<td></td>"
-            else:
-                if lcov_status is not None:
-                    yield "<td><a href=\"/lcov/data/%s/%s\">%s %%</a></td>" % (buildfarm.LCOVHOST, tree, lcov_status)
-                else:
-                    yield "<td></td>"
-            yield "</tr>"
-    if output_type == 'text':
-        yield "\n"
-    else:
-        yield "</tbody></table>"
-        yield "</div>"
 def revision_link(myself, revision, tree):
     """return a link to a particular revision"""
@@ -239,333 +144,6 @@ def revision_link(myself, revision, tree):
     return "<a href='%s?function=diff;tree=%s;revision=%s' title='View Diff for %s'>%s</a>" % (myself, tree, revision, revision, rev_short)
-def tree_link(myself, tree):
-    # return a link to a particular tree
-    branch = ""
-    if tree in trees:
-        branch = ":%s" % trees[tree].branch
-    return "<a href='%s?function=Recent+Builds;tree=%s' title='View recent builds for %s'>%s%s</a>" % (myself, tree, tree, tree, branch)
-def view_recent_builds(myself, tree, sort_by):
-    """Draw the "recent builds" view"""
-    i = 0
-    cols = 2
-    broken = 0
-    last_host = ""
-    all_builds = []
-    cmp_funcs = {
-        "revision": lambda a, b: cmp(a[7], b[7]),
-        "age": lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]),
-        "host": lambda a, b: cmp(a[2], b[2]),
-        "platform": lambda a, b: cmp(a[1], b[1]),
-        "compiler": lambda a, b: cmp(a[3], b[3]),
-        "status": lambda a, b: cmp(a[6], b[6]),
-        }
-    assert tree in trees, "not a build tree"
-    assert sort_by in cmp_funcs, "not a valid sort"
-    t = trees[tree]
-    for host in hosts.values():
-        for compiler in compilers:
-            try:
-                build = buildfarm.get_build(tree, host.name.encode("utf-8"), compiler)
-                status = build_status_html(myself, build)
-            except data.NoSuchBuildError:
-                pass
-            else:
-                age_mtime = build.age_mtime()
-                age_ctime = build.age_ctime()
-                (revision, revision_time) = build.revision_details()
-                if revision:
-                    all_builds.append([
-                        age_ctime,
-                        host.platform.encode("utf-8"),
-                        "<a href='%s?function=View+Host;host=%s;tree=%s;compiler=%s#%s'>%s</a>"
-                            % (myself, host.name.encode("utf-8"),
-                               tree, compiler, host.name.encode("utf-8"),
-                               host.name.encode("utf-8")),
-                        compiler, tree, status, build.status(),
-                        revision_link(myself, revision, tree),
-                        revision_time])
-    all_builds.sort(cmp_funcs[sort_by])
-    sorturl = "%s?tree=%s;function=Recent+Builds" % (myself, tree)
-    yield "<div id='recent-builds' class='build-section'>"
-    yield "<h2>Recent builds of %s (%s branch %s)</h2>" % (tree, t.scm, t.branch)
-    yield "<table class='real'>"
-    yield "<thead>"
-    yield "<tr>"
-    yield "<th><a href='%s;sortby=age' title='Sort by build age'>Age</a></th>" % sorturl
-    yield "<th><a href='%s;sortby=revision' title='Sort by build revision'>Revision</a></th>" % sorturl
-    yield "<th>Tree</th>"
-    yield "<th><a href='%s;sortby=platform' title='Sort by platform'>Platform</a></th>" % sorturl
-    yield "<th><a href='%s;sortby=host' title='Sort by host'>Host</a></th>" % sorturl
-    yield "<th><a href='%s;sortby=compiler' title='Sort by compiler'>Compiler</a></th>" % sorturl
-    yield "<th><a href='%s;sortby=status' title='Sort by status'>Status</a></th>" % sorturl
-    yield "<tbody>"
-    for build in all_builds:
-        yield "<tr>"
-        yield "<td>%s</td>" % util.dhm_time(build[0])
-        yield "<td>%s</td>" % build[7]
-        yield "<td>%s</td>" % build[4]
-        yield "<td>%s</td>" % build[1]
-        yield "<td>%s</td>" % build[2]
-        yield "<td>%s</td>" % build[3]
-        yield "<td>%s</td>" % build[5]
-        yield "</tr>"
-    yield "</tbody></table>"
-    yield "</div>"
-def draw_dead_hosts(output_type, *deadhosts):
-    """Draw the "dead hosts" table"""
-    # don't output anything if there are no dead hosts
-    if len(deadhosts) == 0:
-        return
-    # don't include in text report
-    if output_type == "text":
-        return
-    yield "<div class='build-section' id='dead-hosts'>"
-    yield "<h2>Dead Hosts:</h2>"
-    yield "<table class='real'>"
-    yield "<thead><tr><th>Host</th><th>OS</th><th>Min Age</th></tr></thead>"
-    yield "<tbody>"
-    for host in deadhosts:
-        age_ctime = db.host_age(host)
-        yield "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" %\
-                (host,hosts[host].platform.encode("utf-8"),
-                 util.dhm_time(age_ctime))
-    yield "</tbody></table>"
-    yield "</div>"
-def show_oldrevs(myself, tree, host, compiler):
-    """show the available old revisions, if any"""
-    revs = db.get_old_revs(tree, host, compiler)
-    if len(revs) == 0:
-        return
-    yield "<h2>Older builds:</h2>"
-    yield "<table class='real'>"
-    yield "<thead><tr><th>Revision</th><th>Status</th></tr></thead>"
-    yield "<tbody>"
-    lastrev = ""
-    for rev in revs:
-        s = html_build_status(rev["STATUS"])
-        revision = rev["REVISION"]
-        s = s.replace(revision, "0")
-        if s == lastrev:
-            continue
-        lastrev = s
-        yield "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>" % (revision_link(myself, revision, tree), build_link(myself, tree, host, compiler, rev["REVISION"], html_build_status(rev["STATUS"])))
-    if lastrev != "":
-        # Only print table if there was any actual data
-        yield "</tbody></table>"
-def view_build(myself, tree, host, compiler, rev, plain_logs=False):
-    """view one build in detail"""
-    # ensure the params are valid before using them
-    assert host in hosts, "unknown host %s" % host
-    assert compiler in compilers, "unknown compiler %s" % compiler
-    assert tree in trees, "not a build tree %s" % tree
-    uname = ""
-    cflags = ""
-    config = ""
-    build = buildfarm.get_build(tree, host, compiler, rev)
-    age_mtime = build.age_mtime()
-    (revision, revision_time) = build.revision_details()
-    status = build_status_html(myself, build)
-    if rev:
-        assert re.match("^[0-9a-fA-F]*$", rev)
-    f = build.read_log()
-    try:
-        log = f.read()
-    finally:
-        f.close()
-    f = build.read_err()
-    try:
-        err = f.read()
-    finally:
-        f.close()
-    if log:
-        log = cgi.escape(log)
-        m = re.search("(.*)", log)
-        if m:
-            uname = m.group(1)
-        m = re.search("CFLAGS=(.*)", log)
-        if m:
-            cflags = m.group(1)
-        m = re.search("configure options: (.*)", log)
-        if m:
-            config = m.group(1)
-    if err:
-        err = cgi.escape(err)
-    yield '<h2>Host information:</h2>'
-    host_web_file = "../web/%s.html" % host
-    if os.path.exists(host_web_file):
-        yield util.FileLoad(host_web_file)
-    yield "<table class='real'>\n"
-    yield "<tr><td>Host:</td><td><a href='%s?function=View+Host;host=%s;tree=%s;"\
-          "compiler=%s#'>%s</a> - %s</td></tr>\n" %\
-            (myself, host, tree, compiler, host, hosts[host].platform.encode("utf-8"))
-    yield "<tr><td>Uname:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % uname
-    yield "<tr><td>Tree:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % tree_link(myself, tree)
-    yield "<tr><td>Build Revision:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % revision_link(myself, revision, tree)
-    yield "<tr><td>Build age:</td><td><div class='age'>%s</div></td></tr>\n" % red_age(age_mtime)
-    yield "<tr><td>Status:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % status
-    yield "<tr><td>Compiler:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % compiler
-    yield "<tr><td>CFLAGS:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % cflags
-    yield "<tr><td>configure options:</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % config
-    yield "</table>\n"
-    yield "".join(show_oldrevs(myself, tree, host, compiler))
-    # check the head of the output for our magic string
-    rev_var = ""
-    if rev:
-        rev_var = ";revision=%s" % rev
-    yield "<div id='log'>"
-    if not plain_logs:
-        yield "<p>Switch to the <a href='%s?function=View+Build;host=%s;tree=%s"\
-              ";compiler=%s%s;plain=true' title='Switch to bland, non-javascript,"\
-              " unstyled view'>Plain View</a></p>" % (myself, host, tree, compiler, rev_var)
-        yield "<div id='actionList'>"
-        # These can be pretty wide -- perhaps we need to
-        # allow them to wrap in some way?
-        if err == "":
-            yield "<h2>No error log available</h2>\n"
-        else:
-            yield "<h2>Error log:</h2>"
-            yield make_collapsible_html('action', "Error Output", "\n%s" % err, "stderr-0", "errorlog")
-        if log == "":
-            yield "<h2>No build log available</h2>"
-        else:
-            yield "<h2>Build log:</h2>\n"
-            yield print_log_pretty(log)
-        yield "<p><small>Some of the above icons derived from the <a href='http://www.gnome.org'>Gnome Project</a>'s stock icons.</small></p>"
-        yield "</div>"
-    else:
-        yield "<p>Switch to the <a href='%s?function=View+Build;host=%s;tree=%s;"\
-              "compiler=%s%s' title='Switch to colourful, javascript-enabled, styled"\
-              " view'>Enhanced View</a></p>" % (myself, host, tree, compiler, rev_var)
-        if err == "":
-            yield "<h2>No error log available</h2>"
-        else:
-            yield '<h2>Error log:</h2>\n'
-            yield '<div id="errorLog"><pre>%s</pre></div>' % err
-        if log == "":
-            yield '<h2>No build log available</h2>'
-        else:
-            yield '<h2>Build log:</h2>\n'
-            yield '<div id="buildLog"><pre>%s</pre></div>' % log
-    yield '</div>'
-def view_host(myself, output_type, *requested_hosts):
-    """print the host's table of information"""
-    if output_type == 'text':
-        yield "Host summary:\n"
-    else:
-        yield "<div class='build-section' id='build-summary'>"
-        yield '<h2>Host summary:</h2>'
-    for host in requested_hosts:
-        assert host in hosts, "unknown host"
-    for host in requested_hosts:
-        # make sure we have some data from it
-        if not host in hosts:
-            if output_type == 'text':
-                yield "<!-- skipping %s -->" % host
-            continue
-        row = 0
-        for compiler in compilers:
-            for tree in sorted(trees.keys()):
-                try:
-                    build = buildfarm.get_build(tree, host, compiler)
-                except data.NoSuchBuildError:
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    (revision, revision_time) = build.revision_details()
-                    age_mtime = build.age_mtime()
-                    age_ctime = build.age_ctime()
-                    warnings = build.err_count()
-                    status = build_status_html(myself, build)
-                    if row == 0:
-                        if output_type == 'text':
-                            yield "%-12s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n" % (
-                                    "Tree", "Compiler", "Build Age", "Status", "Warnings")
-                        else:
-                            yield "<div class='host summary'>"
-                            yield "<a id='host' name='host'/>"
-                            yield "<h3>%s - %s</h3>" % (host, hosts[host].platform.encode("utf-8"))
-                            yield "<table class='real'>"
-                            yield "<thead><tr><th>Target</th><th>Build<br/>Revision</th><th>Build<br />Age</th><th>Status<br />config/build<br />install/test</th><th>Warnings</th></tr></thead>"
-                            yield "<tbody>"
-                    if output_type == 'text':
-                        yield "%-12s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n" % (
-                                tree, compiler, util.dhm_time(age_mtime),
-                                util.strip_html(status), warnings)
-                    else:
-                        yield "<tr>"
-                        yield "<td><span class='tree'>" + tree_link(myself, tree) +"</span>/" + compiler + "</td>"
-                        yield "<td>" + revision_link(myself, revision, tree) + "</td>"
-                        yield "<td><div class='age'>" + red_age(age_mtime) + "</div></td>"
-                        yield "<td><div class='status'>%s</div></td>" % status
-                        yield "<td>%s</td>" % warnings
-                        yield "</tr>"
-                    row+=1
-        if row != 0:
-            if output_type == 'text':
-                yield "\n"
-            else:
-                yield "</tbody></table>"
-                yield "</div>"
-        else:
-            deadhosts.append(host)
-    if output_type != 'text':
-        yield "</div>"
-    yield "".join(draw_dead_hosts(output_type, *deadhosts))
 def subunit_to_buildfarm_result(subunit_result):
     if subunit_result == "success":
         return "passed"
@@ -742,32 +320,6 @@ def make_collapsible_html(type, title, output, id, status=""):
     ret += "</div></div>"
     return ret


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