Rev 11881: Convert ldap provision code to perl. in file:///home/jelmer/bzr.samba/SAMBA_4_0/

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Tue Apr 17 00:13:44 GMT 2007

At file:///home/jelmer/bzr.samba/SAMBA_4_0/

revno: 11881
revision-id: jelmer at
parent: jelmer at
committer: Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>
branch nick: SAMBA_4_0
timestamp: Tue 2007-04-17 02:13:33 +0200
  Convert ldap provision code to perl.
  source/script/tests/ svn-v2:21069 at
  source/script/tests/ svn-v2:21069 at
  source/script/tests/  svn-v2:21707 at
=== removed file 'source/script/tests/'
--- a/source/script/tests/	2007-04-16 20:35:19 +0000
+++ b/source/script/tests/	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-#Make the subdirectory be as fedora DS would expect
-SuiteSpotUserID = $ROOT
-FullMachineName=   localhost
-ServerRoot=   $LDAPDIR
-Suffix= $BASEDN
-RootDN= cn=Manager,$BASEDN
-ServerIdentifier= samba4
-inst_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR
-config_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR
-schema_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR/schema
-lock_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR/lock
-log_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR/logs
-run_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR/logs
-db_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR/db
-bak_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR/bak
-tmp_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR/tmp
-ldif_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR/ldif
-cert_dir= $FEDORA_DS_DIR
-start_server= 0
-# These entries need to be added to get the container for the 
-# provision to be aimed at.
-dn: cn="dc=$BASEDN",cn=mapping tree,cn=config
-objectclass: top
-objectclass: extensibleObject
-objectclass: nsMappingTree
-nsslapd-state: backend
-nsslapd-backend: userData
-cn: $BASEDN
-dn: cn=userData,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
-objectclass: extensibleObject
-objectclass: nsBackendInstance
-nsslapd-suffix: $BASEDN
-perl $FEDORA_DS_PREFIX/bin/ $FEDORA_DS_INF >&2 || exit 1;
-     cd $FEDORA_DS_DIR/schema
-     ls | grep -v ^00core | xargs rm
-cat >>$FEDORA_DS_DIR/dse.ldif<<EOF
-dn: cn=bitwise,cn=plugins,cn=config
-objectClass: top
-objectClass: nsSlapdPlugin
-objectClass: extensibleObject
-cn: bitwise
-nsslapd-pluginPath: $FEDORA_DS_PREFIX/lib/fedora-ds/plugins/
-nsslapd-pluginInitfunc: bitwise_init
-nsslapd-pluginType: matchingRule
-nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on
-nsslapd-pluginId: bitwise
-nsslapd-pluginVersion: 1.1.0a3
-nsslapd-pluginVendor: Fedora Project
-nsslapd-pluginDescription: Allow bitwise matching rules
-$srcdir/bin/ad2oLschema $CONFIGURATION -H $PRIVATEDIR/sam.ldb --option=convert:target=fedora-ds -I $srcdir/setup/schema-map-fedora-ds-1.0 -O $FEDORA_DS_DIR/schema/99_ad.ldif >&2
-#it is easier to base64 encode this than correctly escape it:
-# (targetattr = "*") (version 3.0;acl "full access to all by all";allow (all)(userdn = "ldap:///anyone");)
-echo "PROVISION_ACI=--aci=aci:: KHRhcmdldGF0dHIgPSAiKiIpICh2ZXJzaW9uIDMuMDthY2wgImZ1bGwgYWNjZXNzIHRvIGFsbCBieSBhbGwiO2FsbG93IChhbGwpKHVzZXJkbiA9ICJsZGFwOi8vL2FueW9uZSIpOykK"

=== removed file 'source/script/tests/'
--- a/source/script/tests/	2007-04-16 20:35:19 +0000
+++ b/source/script/tests/	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-export SLAPD_CONF
-loglevel 0
-include $LDAPDIR/ad.schema
-argsfile	$LDAPDIR/slapd.args
-sasl-realm $DNSNAME
-access to * by * write
-allow update_anon
-          uid=([^,]*),cn=$DNSNAME,cn=digest-md5,cn=auth
-          ldap:///$BASEDN??sub?(samAccountName=\$1)
-          uid=([^,]*),cn=([^,]*),cn=digest-md5,cn=auth
-          ldap:///$BASEDN??sub?(samAccountName=\$1)
-include $LDAPDIR/modules.conf
-defaultsearchbase "$BASEDN"
-backend		bdb
-database        bdb
-suffix		"$BASEDN"
-rootdn          "cn=Manager,$BASEDN"
-rootpw          $PASSWORD
-directory	$LDAPDIR/db
-index           objectClass eq
-index           samAccountName eq
-index name eq
-index objectSid eq
-index objectCategory eq
-index member eq
-index uidNumber eq
-index gidNumber eq
-index unixName eq
-index privilege eq
-index nCName eq pres
-index lDAPDisplayName eq
-index subClassOf eq
-index dnsRoot eq
-index nETBIOSName eq pres
-#syncprov is stable in OpenLDAP 2.3, and available in 2.2.  
-#We only need this for the contextCSN attribute anyway....
-overlay syncprov
-syncprov-checkpoint 100 10
-syncprov-sessionlog 100
-	# Set the database in memory cache size.
-	#
-	set_cachesize   0       524288        0
-	#
-	# Set database flags (this is a test environment, we don't need to fsync()).
-	#		
-	set_flags       DB_TXN_NOSYNC
-	#
-	# Set log values.
-	#
-	set_lg_regionmax        104857
-	set_lg_max              1048576
-	set_lg_bsize            209715
-	set_lg_dir              $LDAPDIR/db/bdb-logs
-	#
-	# Set temporary file creation directory.
-	#			
-	set_tmp_dir             $LDAPDIR/db/tmp
-#This uses the provision we just did, to read out the schema
-$srcdir/bin/ad2oLschema $CONFIGURATION -H $PRIVATEDIR/sam.ldb -I $srcdir/setup/schema-map-openldap-2.3 -O $LDAPDIR/ad.schema >&2
-#Now create an LDAP baseDN
-$srcdir/bin/smbscript $srcdir/setup/provision $PROVISION_OPTIONS --ldap-base >&2
-export PATH
-rm -f $MODCONF
-touch $MODCONF
-slaptest -u -f $SLAPD_CONF >&2 || {
-    # echo "enabling slapd modules" >&2
-    cat > $MODCONF <<EOF 
-modulepath	/usr/lib/ldap
-moduleload	back_bdb
-moduleload	syncprov
-if slaptest -u -f $SLAPD_CONF; then
-    slapadd -f $SLAPD_CONF < $PRIVATEDIR/$DNSNAME.ldif >/dev/null || {
-	echo "slapadd failed" >&2
-    }
-    slaptest -f $SLAPD_CONF >/dev/null || {
-	echo "slaptest after database load failed" >&2
-    }
-export PATH

=== modified file 'source/script/tests/'
--- a/source/script/tests/	2007-04-16 23:30:38 +0000
+++ b/source/script/tests/	2007-04-17 00:13:33 +0000
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
 	# running slapd in the background means it stays in the same process group, so it can be
 	# killed by timelimit
 	if ($self->{ldap} eq "fedora") {
-	        system("$ENV{FEDORA_DS_PREFIX}/sbin/ns-slapd -D $env_vars->{FEDORA_DS_DIR} -d$env_vars->{FEDORA_DS_LOGLEVEL} -i $env_vars->{FEDORA_DS_PIDFILE}> $env_vars->{LDAPDIR}/logs 2>&1 &");
+	        system("$ENV{FEDORA_DS_PREFIX}/sbin/ns-slapd -D $env_vars->{FEDORA_DS_DIR} -d0 -i $env_vars->{FEDORA_DS_PIDFILE}> $env_vars->{LDAPDIR}/logs 2>&1 &");
 	} elsif ($self->{ldap} eq "openldap") {
 		my $oldpath = $ENV{PATH};
 		$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:$ENV{PATH}";
-		system("slapd -d$env_vars->{OPENLDAP_LOGLEVEL} -f $conf -h $uri > $env_vars->{LDAPDIR}/logs 2>&1 &");
+		system("slapd -d0 -f $conf -h $uri > $env_vars->{LDAPDIR}/logs 2>&1 &");
 		$ENV{PATH} = $oldpath;
 	while (system("$self->{bindir}/ldbsearch -H $uri -s base -b \"\" supportedLDAPVersion > /dev/null") != 0) {
@@ -164,6 +164,227 @@
+sub mk_fedora($$$$$$)
+	my ($self, $ldapdir, $basedn, $root, $password, $privatedir, $configuration) = @_;
+	my $fedora_ds_inf = "$ldapdir/fedorads.inf";
+	my $fedora_ds_initial_ldif = "$ldapdir/fedorads-initial.ldif";
+	#Make the subdirectory be as fedora DS would expect
+	my $fedora_ds_dir = "$ldapdir/slapd-samba4";
+	my $pidfile = "$fedora_ds_dir/logs/";
+	open(CONF, ">$fedora_ds_inf");
+	print CONF "
+SuiteSpotUserID = $root
+fullMachineName=   localhost
+ServerRoot=   $ldapdir
+Suffix= $basedn
+rootDN= cn=Manager,$basedn
+rootDNPwd= $password
+serverIdentifier= samba4
+inst_dir= $fedora_ds_dir
+config_dir= $fedora_ds_dir
+schema_dir= $fedora_ds_dir/schema
+lock_dir= $fedora_ds_dir/lock
+log_dir= $fedora_ds_dir/logs
+run_dir= $fedora_ds_dir/logs
+db_dir= $fedora_ds_dir/db
+bak_dir= $fedora_ds_dir/bak
+tmp_dir= $fedora_ds_dir/tmp
+ldif_dir= $fedora_ds_dir/ldif
+cert_dir= $fedora_ds_dir
+start_server= 0
+	close(CONF);
+	open(CONF, ">$fedora_ds_initial_ldif");
+	print "
+# These entries need to be added to get the container for the 
+# provision to be aimed at.
+dn: cn=\"dc=$basedn\",cn=mapping tree,cn=config
+objectclass: top
+objectclass: extensibleObject
+objectclass: nsMappingTree
+nsslapd-state: backend
+nsslapd-backend: userData
+cn: $basedn
+dn: cn=userData,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
+objectclass: extensibleObject
+objectclass: nsBackendInstance
+nsslapd-suffix: $basedn
+	close(CONF);
+	system("perl $ENV{FEDORA_DS_PREFIX}/bin/ $fedora_ds_inf >&2") == 0 or return 0;
+	unlink(<$fedora_ds_dir/schema/00core.*>);
+	open(LDIF, ">$fedora_ds_dir/dse.ldif");
+	print LDIF "
+dn: cn=bitwise,cn=plugins,cn=config
+objectClass: top
+objectClass: nsSlapdPlugin
+objectClass: extensibleObject
+cn: bitwise
+nsslapd-pluginPath: $ENV{FEDORA_DS_PREFIX}/lib/fedora-ds/plugins/
+nsslapd-pluginInitfunc: bitwise_init
+nsslapd-pluginType: matchingRule
+nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on
+nsslapd-pluginId: bitwise
+nsslapd-pluginVersion: 1.1.0a3
+nsslapd-pluginVendor: Fedora Project
+nsslapd-pluginDescription: Allow bitwise matching rules
+	close(CONF);
+	system("$self->{bindir}/ad2oLschema $configuration -H $privatedir/sam.ldb --option=convert:target=fedora-ds -I $self->{setupdir}/schema-map-fedora-ds-1.0 -O $fedora_ds_dir/schema/99_ad.ldif >&2");
+	return ($fedora_ds_dir, $pidfile);
+sub mk_openldap($$$$$$$$)
+	my ($self, $ldapdir, $basedn, $password, $privatedir, $dnsname, $configuration, $provision_options) = @_;
+	my $slapd_conf = "$ldapdir/slapd.conf";
+	my $pidfile = "$ldapdir/";
+	my $modconf = "$ldapdir/modules.conf";
+	mkdir($_) foreach ($ldapdir, "$ldapdir/db", "$ldapdir/db/bdb-logs", 
+		"$ldapdir/db/tmp");
+	open(CONF, ">$slapd_conf");
+	print CONF "
+loglevel 0
+include $ldapdir/ad.schema
+pidfile		$pidfile
+argsfile	$ldapdir/slapd.args
+sasl-realm $dnsname
+access to * by * write
+allow update_anon
+          uid=([^,]*),cn=$dnsname,cn=digest-md5,cn=auth
+          ldap:///$basedn??sub?(samAccountName=\$1)
+          uid=([^,]*),cn=([^,]*),cn=digest-md5,cn=auth
+          ldap:///$basedn??sub?(samAccountName=\$1)
+include $modconf
+defaultsearchbase \"$basedn\"
+backend		bdb
+database        bdb
+suffix		\"$basedn\"
+rootdn          \"cn=Manager,$basedn\"
+rootpw          $password
+directory	\$ldapdir/db
+index           objectClass eq
+index           samAccountName eq
+index name eq
+index objectSid eq
+index objectCategory eq
+index member eq
+index uidNumber eq
+index gidNumber eq
+index unixName eq
+index privilege eq
+index nCName eq pres
+index lDAPDisplayName eq
+index subClassOf eq
+index dnsRoot eq
+index nETBIOSName eq pres
+#syncprov is stable in OpenLDAP 2.3, and available in 2.2.  
+#We only need this for the contextCSN attribute anyway....
+overlay syncprov
+syncprov-checkpoint 100 10
+syncprov-sessionlog 100
+	close(CONF);
+	open(CONF, ">$ldapdir/db/DB_CONFIG");
+	print CONF "
+	# Set the database in memory cache size.
+	#
+	set_cachesize   0       524288        0
+	#
+	# Set database flags (this is a test environment, we don't need to fsync()).
+	#		
+	set_flags       DB_TXN_NOSYNC
+	#
+	# Set log values.
+	#
+	set_lg_regionmax        104857
+	set_lg_max              1048576
+	set_lg_bsize            209715
+	set_lg_dir              $ldapdir/db/bdb-logs
+	#
+	# Set temporary file creation directory.
+	#			
+	set_tmp_dir             $ldapdir/db/tmp
+	";
+	close(CONF);
+	#This uses the provision we just did, to read out the schema
+	system("$self->{bindir}/ad2oLschema $configuration -H $privatedir/sam.ldb -I $self->{setupdir}/schema-map-openldap-2.3 -O $ldapdir/ad.schema >&2");
+	#Now create an LDAP baseDN
+	system("$self->{bindir}/smbscript $self->{setupdir}/provision $provision_options --ldap-base >&2");
+	my $oldpath = $ENV{PATH};
+	$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:$ENV{PATH}";
+	unlink($modconf);
+	open(CONF, ">$modconf"); close(CONF);
+	if (system("slaptest -u -f $slapd_conf >&2") != 0) {
+		open(CONF, ">modconf"); 
+		# enable slapd modules
+		print "
+modulepath	/usr/lib/ldap
+moduleload	back_bdb
+moduleload	syncprov
+		close(CONF);
+	}
+	if (system("slaptest -u -f $slapd_conf") == 0) {
+    	system("slapadd -f $slapd_conf < $privatedir/$dnsname.ldif >/dev/null") == 0 or die("slapadd failed");
+    }
+    system("slaptest -f $slapd_conf >/dev/null") == 0 or 
+		die ("slaptest after database load failed");
+	$ENV{PATH} = $oldpath;
+	return $pidfile;
 sub provision($$$$$)
 	my ($self, $prefix, $server_role, $domain, $netbiosname) = @_;
@@ -324,19 +545,8 @@
 	my $ldap_uri= "$ldapdir/ldapi";
 	$ldap_uri =~ s|/|%2F|g;
 	$ldap_uri = "ldapi://$ldap_uri";
-	my $provision_aci = ""; # FIXME
-	if (not defined($self->{ldap})) {
-	} elsif ($self->{ldap} eq "openldap") {
-		mkdir($_) foreach ($ldapdir, "$ldapdir/db", "$ldapdir/db/bdb-logs", 
-		"$ldapdir/db/tmp");
-		system("$RealBin/") == 0 or die("Unable to create openldap directories");
-	} elsif ($self->{ldap} eq "fedora") {
-		system("$RealBin/") == 0 or die("Unable to create fedora ds directories");
-		push (@provision_options, "--ldap-module=nsuniqueid");
-	}
-	return {
+	my $ret = {
 		KRB5_CONFIG => $krb5_config,
 		PIDDIR => $piddir,
 		SERVER => $server,
@@ -347,11 +557,22 @@
 		REALM => $realm,
 		PASSWORD => $password,
 		LDAPDIR => $ldapdir,
-		PROVISION_OPTIONS => join(' ', @provision_options),
 		WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR => $winbindd_socket_dir,
 		NCALRPCDIR => $ncalrpcdir,
 		CONFIGURATION => $configuration
+	if (not defined($self->{ldap})) {
+	} elsif ($self->{ldap} eq "openldap") {
+		$ret->{OPENLDAP_PIDFILE} = $self->mk_openldap($ldapdir, $basedn, $password, $privatedir, $dnsname, $configuration, join(' ', @provision_options)) or die("Unable to create openldap directories");
+	} elsif ($self->{ldap} eq "fedora") {
+		($ret->{FEDORA_DS_DIR}, $ret->{FEDORA_DS_PIDFILE}) = $self->mk_fedora($ldapdir, $basedn, $root, $password, $privatedir, $configuration) or die("Unable to create fedora ds directories");
+		push (@provision_options, "--ldap-module=nsuniqueid");
+	}
+	$ret->{PROVISION_OPTIONS} = join(' ', @provision_options);
+	return $ret; 
 sub provision_member($$$)
@@ -390,8 +611,16 @@
 sub provision_ldap($$)
 	my ($self, $envvars) = @_;
-	system("$self->{bindir}/smbscript $self->{setupdir}/provision $envvars->{PROVISION_OPTIONS} \"$envvars->{PROVISION_ACI}\" --ldap-backend=$envvars->{LDAP_URI}") and
-		die("LDAP PROVISIONING failed: $self->{bindir}/smbscript $self->{setupdir}/provision $envvars->{PROVISION_OPTIONS} \"$envvars->{PROVISION_ACI}\" --ldap-backend=$envvars->{LDAP_URI}");
+	my $provision_aci = "";
+	if ($self->{ldap} eq "fedora") {
+		#it is easier to base64 encode this than correctly escape it:
+		# (targetattr = "*") (version 3.0;acl "full access to all by all";allow (all)(userdn = "ldap:///anyone");)
+		$provision_aci = "--aci=aci:: KHRhcmdldGF0dHIgPSAiKiIpICh2ZXJzaW9uIDMuMDthY2wgImZ1bGwgYWNjZXNzIHRvIGFsbCBieSBhbGwiO2FsbG93IChhbGwpKHVzZXJkbiA9ICJsZGFwOi8vL2FueW9uZSIpOykK";
+	}
+	system("$self->{bindir}/smbscript $self->{setupdir}/provision $envvars->{PROVISION_OPTIONS} \"$provision_aci\" --ldap-backend=$envvars->{LDAP_URI}") and
+		die("LDAP PROVISIONING failed: $self->{bindir}/smbscript $self->{setupdir}/provision $envvars->{PROVISION_OPTIONS} \"$provision_aci\" --ldap-backend=$envvars->{LDAP_URI}");
 sub teardown_env($$)

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