CVS update: samba/source/param

Andrew Tridgell tridge at
Wed Mar 6 16:42:19 EST 2002

> This (silently) breaks international characters on command lines 

it does? How can it be worse than the previous default, which was

> if you are mucking around with i18n domain and usernames you need 
> 'unix charset = ISO_8859-1', assuming your environment is set to 
> 8859-1.

surely you needed to do that before for international chars?

> I'm just wondering what setting the default unix charset to utf8 actually
> does?

it means that when a client sends us a unicode char we can store it
and fetch it back accurately from the filesystem. That means for
clients that do unicode (all Microsoft clients) Samba will "out of the
box" support all chars in many applications.

We still need the admin to configure the charset for those parts of
the protocol that are 8-bit, but at least we get the basics right.

Cheers, Tridge

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