CVS update: samba/source/groupdb

Tim Potter tpot at
Sun Nov 25 16:24:59 EST 2001

On Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 06:13:45PM -0800, Simo Sorce wrote:

> > Yes - it was pretty awful.  All those unecessary reallocs tended to
> > crash glibc due to some fragmentation bug I expect.

> Tim, I made a test prg to see if glibc suffered that problem you claim,
> it never failed, I think you had some problem in the code with untested
> x = realloc(x, ...) code ...

Thanks Simo, but you are never going to convince me otherwise.  (-:

I spent a lot of time on the problem with Insure and that was the
only reasonable explanation.  In fact the problem went away when I
replaced a loop with in inner realloc() with a single malloc() at
the beginning.


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