CVS update: samba/source/groupdb

lkcl at lkcl at
Wed Dec 2 10:51:17 EST 1998

Date:	Wednesday December 2, 1998 @ 10:51
Author:	lkcl

Update of /data/cvs/samba/source/groupdb
In directory samba:/tmp/cvs-serv5073/groupdb

Modified Files:
	aliasunix.c builtinunix.c groupunix.c 
Log Message:
ok.  unix-nt mapping code issues

need to check, when looking up group members, that a group member is
a unix user [being mapped to an nt user] FIRST then if that fails
check that a group member is a unix group [being mapped to an nt group].

why?  because you can have group names in a unix /etc/group file with
the same name as users.

this _might_ be a problem...

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