CVS update: samba/source/include

Andrew Tridgell tridge at
Tue Aug 11 10:50:09 EST 1998

> > swat compiles, with some even uglier hacks. we really have to do
> > something about our dependencies between seemingly unrelated code.
> this is *good*.  this is _exactly_ why i have been recommending the move
> to a subdirectory structure.  only when you do so do the file dependencies
> look absurd.

yep, that is one of the benefits of the split. I did understand that
you were asking for this before, I just didn't think it was the right
time to do it. We happened to have a good opportunity to do the
rearrangement right now so I did it. The big advantage of doing it now
is that (apart from the nt client code) we are all working in the one
branch. The 1.9.18 branch is basically dead, the ntdom branch is dead
and we have just been forced to diverge radically from earlier code by
the autoconf changes. This all adds up to the perfect opportunity to
do the rearrangement.

> it will be necessary, as i found when working on BRANCH_NTDOM, to examine
> individual files and to split them down into separate modules, in order to
> break some of the dependencies.

I've been doing that and the dependencies are now less crazy. There
are still some bits to do (the hard bits unfortunately) but it's a

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