CVS update: samba/source/include

Andrew Tridgell tridge at
Tue Aug 11 10:50:09 EST 1998

> > Chris, you should never put if statements in macros, use the ugly
> > (a?b:c) form instead, otherwise you can produce incorrect code when
> ((a)?(b):(c)) _must_ be used for exactly the same reasons you are
> suggesting that if should not be used, tridge, if a, b or c are macro
> arguments. 

you misread my message :)

I know you have to bracket macro arguments (I've pointed this out to
other people often enough!). I was pointing out to Chris that you
shouldn't use if() statements in macros. He had used an if() statement
in the DEBUG() macro and it led to incorrect code in lots of places.


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