What could cause rsync to kill ssh?

Paul Slootman paul+rsync at wurtel.net
Sat Jun 3 13:09:19 UTC 2023

On Sat 03 Jun 2023, Maurice R Volaski via rsync wrote:

> I have an rsync script that it is copying one computer (over ssh) to a shared CIFS mount on Gentoo Linux, kernel 6.3.4. The script runs for a while and then at some point quits knocking my ssh session offline on all terminals and it blocks ssh from being able to connect again. Even restarting sshd doesn’t help. Rsync has apparently killed it. I have to reboot.

Note there's no such thing as an rsync script. You probably mean you
have a shell script that runs rsync at some point.

Is the script copying from the system it's running on, to the Gentoo
Linux system? Is the CIFS mount actually mounted on the Gentoo Linux, or
is the Gentoo Linux system serving the CIFS mount which actually is
mounted on the "one computer"? In that case it would be much better to
directly rsync to the filesystem on the Gentoo system.

Re: the ssh stopping working:
To me this would suggest that there's an out-of-memory situation going
on, and sshd is being killed because of this. However that would not
explain why restarting it doesn't work.
What exactly do you mean when you say restarting sshd doesn't help?
Does it not stay running, or is the daemon in fact running but not
accepting connections?
It's the age-old question: "it doesn't work" -- "_how_ is it not working?"

Does dmesg give any useful information? Or perhaps journalctl?
Usually the clues are in plain signt if you check logs.


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