rsync exit code 23 (partial transfer due to errors): List of possible reasons and how to ignore some?
Kevin Korb
kmk at
Thu Dec 14 19:09:23 UTC 2023
Hash: SHA1
Unfortunately, exit 23 litterally just means something else went wrong
and might have scrolled off of the screen if you have rsync listing
files (--verbose or --itemize_changes). Essentially, it is anything
that doesn't have its own exit code. I just ignore it. The most common
reaosn is file vanished.
- --
Kevin Korb Phone: (407) 252-6853
Systems Administrator Internet:
FutureQuest, Inc. Kevin at (work)
Orlando, Florida kmk at (personal)
Web page:
PGP public key available on web site.
On Thu, 14 Dec 2023, rsync--- via rsync wrote:
> Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2023 19:20:15 +0100
> From: rsync--- via rsync <rsync at>
> To: rsync at
> Subject: rsync exit code 23 (partial transfer due to errors): List of possible
> reasons and how to ignore some?
> I am trying to find a solution for the open source Linux software
> "Back In Time" (
> where we evaluate the rsync exit code when taking a backup via rsync
> and inform the user that an error has occured.
> Questions:
> 1. Is there full list of possible reasons available that make rsync
> exit with the return value 23?
> 'rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1338) [sender=3.2.7]'
> I want to decide for each reason if we treat it as an error or warning.
> 2. I want to ignore some reasons for exit code 23 by only logging it, mainly:
> symlink has no referent: "/home/user/Documents/dead-link"
> Is there a way to
> - either prevent that this error leads to exit code 23 (if no other reason occurs)
> - or to prevent this specific check at all (but eg. copy the symlink "as is")?
> THX a lot!
> PS 1: The typcially used rsync command line looks like this:
> rsync --recursive --times --devices --specials --hard-links --human-readable -s --copy-links --acls --perms --executability --group --owner --
> info=progress2 --no-inc-recursive -l --delete --delete-excluded -v -i --out-format=BACKINTIME: %i %n%L --link-dest=../../20231214-143359-584/backup --
> chmod=Du+wx --exclude=/home/username/temp/testBAK_profil1 --exclude=/home/username/.local/share/backintime --exclude=.local/share/backintime/mnt --
> include=/home/username/Documents/ --include=/home/username/ --include=/home/ --include=/home/username/temp/deleted_folder/ --
> include=/home/username/temp/ --include=/home/username/.mozilla/ --exclude=.gvfs --exclude=.cache/* --exclude=.thumbnails* --
> exclude=.local/share/[Tt]rash* --exclude=*.backup* --exclude=*~ --exclude=.dropbox* --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/dev/* --
> exclude=/run/* --exclude=/etc/mtab --exclude=/var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb --exclude=lost+found/* --exclude=/tmp/* --exclude=/var/tmp/* --
> exclude=/var/backups/* --exclude=.Private --exclude=lock --exclude=root_only_file.txt --include=/home/username/Documents/** --
> include=/home/username/temp/deleted_folder/** --include=/home/username/.mozilla/** --exclude=* /
> /home/username/temp/testBAK_profil1/backintime/computer1/username/1/new_snapshot/backup
> PS 2: You can find more details or even answer in our Github issue too:
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