Trying to elevate rsync privileges when connecting over ssh without using NOPASSWD in sudoers

Carson Gaspar carson+rsync at
Sun Mar 13 15:49:21 UTC 2022

On 3/11/2022 4:39 AM, Dr. Mark Asbach via rsync wrote:
> a) Using ssh-askpass, we can use the options -e "ssh -X" 
> --rsync-path="sudo -A rsync" (see 
> The problem in our scenario is that using ansible, we run the 
> identical rsync command on multiple hosts in parallel (we target about 
> 32 VMs in one go). So the person running the script would have to 
> enter the password into 32 dialogs exactly at the time they pop up.

You could use ssh-agent instead, and add either an ssh public key PAM 
module to sudo's stack (e.g. pam_ssh_agent_auth) or an ssh certificate 
PAM module (e.g. pam_ussh). Sadly, I'm unaware of a PAM module that 
supports both.

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