Rsync to just upload new/updated files without comparing source/destination

Kevin Korb kmk at
Mon Nov 20 20:47:00 UTC 2017

The "ssh" in that command is a second source parameter to be copied (and
then deleted).  using ssh as the transport has been the default for at
least 15 years and the option to tell it to use ssh was either -e ssh or

BTW, -r is included in -a.  Also, -v isn't of much use without -i.

I would suggest that if you are going to use cygwin's rsync you should
do so from within cygwin's shell.  OTOH, I would also suggest that if
you are on windows you should use something native to windows like unison.

On 11/20/2017 03:28 PM, Amit via rsync wrote:
> Thanks for your inputs. Surprisingly i tried executing the following command
> but end up deleting ssh.exe in Cygwin folder when source folder path is
> incorrect or not reachable.
> rsync --remove-source-files -v -av -r /cygdrive/c/AmitTest/ ssh
> username at destinationserver:/cygdrive/e/AMIT/AmitTest/
> I am wondering if remove source is doing some tricks there but unable to
> find root cause why ssh.exe will get deleted with this command. It has
> happened twice since yesteday and today i noticed this happened when i
> executed this command. Any idea why this can be happening?
> Unfortunately i don't have way to copy ssh to Cygwin\bin folder as i keep
> getting 'Access Denied' error from windows explorer and cmd (tried taking
> ownership of Cygwin folder as well).
> Thanks,
> Amit
> --
> Sent from:

	Kevin Korb			Phone:    (407) 252-6853
	Systems Administrator		Internet:
	FutureQuest, Inc.		Kevin at  (work)
	Orlando, Florida		kmk at (personal)
	Web page:
	PGP public key available on web site.

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