How to set absolute path for rsync?

Paul Slootman paul+rsync at
Wed Aug 30 14:33:58 UTC 2017

On Tue 15 Aug 2017, Joe Qiao via rsync wrote:

> Thanks so much for the quick reply, Kevin!
> I tried with ssh and --partial-dir, it looks the partial file still will be
> stored in local dir, but not in /tmp.
> Every 1.0s: ls -al /home/joe/rsync/ /tmp/
>             Tue Aug 15 17:29:30 2017
> /home/joe/rsync/:
> total 408840
> drwxr-xr-x  2 root root      4096 Aug 15 17:29 .
> drwxr-xr-x 32 joe  joe       4096 Aug 15 15:01 ..
> *-rw-------  1 root root 418643968 Aug 15 17:29 .flash_image.14WoMV

No, you misunderstand the meaning of "partial" here.

--partial-dir is where the partially transferred file is stored if rsync
is interrupted with --partial (I'm not sure if --partial-dir implies
--partial, it probably does).

It does NOT mean where the temporary files are stored during transfer.


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