unnecessary /proc requirement in 3.1.1

L. A. Walsh rsync at tlinx.org
Thu Aug 20 04:09:43 UTC 2015

Fyodorov "Bga" Alexander wrote:
> Hi. Thanks for good program.
>  Whole /proc is  serious security 
> risk for me. Why?
	You could run rsync in a separate namespace (container)

and only mount /proc in the new namespace -- other users wouldn't
see it..

Bunch of tools 'lxc-xxxxx' 
URL         : http://linuxcontainers.org/
Summary     : Userspace tools for the Linux kernel containers
Description :
It provides commands to create and manage containers. It contains a
full featured container with the isolation/virtualization of the pids,
the ipc, the utsname, the mount points, /proc, /sys, the network and it
takes into account the control groups. It is very light, flexible, and
provides a set of tools around the container like the monitoring with
asynchronous events notification, or the freeze of the container. This
package is useful to create Virtual Private Server, or to run isolated
applications like bash or sshd.

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