Eliminate the temp copy

Kevin Korb kmk at sanitarium.net
Tue Jan 28 12:16:18 MST 2014

Hash: SHA1

Is it always the same file?  Also, add --itemize-changes.  There isn't
much use in -v without it.

On 01/28/2014 02:10 PM, Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:
> Hi Matthias,
> I've tryed your way but with no success:
> rsync -vtr --inplace --chmod=ugo=rw --log-file=/disco/incron.log 
> /disco/continuidad/Playlist_Master/* 
> /ContentBridge/omfs/mg0/Video/Master_Control/Playlist_Master 
> sending incremental file list 2014-01-25 0620.txt 2014-01-26
> 0620.txt 2014-01-26 0650.txt 2014-01-27 0600.txt 2014-01-27
> 1330.txt 2014-01-27 1850.txt 2014-01-28 0620.txt rsync:
> writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes to socket [sender]: 
> Broken pipe (32) rsync: write failed on 
> "/ContentBridge/omfs/mg0/Video/Master_Control/Playlist_Master/2014-01-25
0620.txt": Input/output error (5)
> rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(301)
> [receiver=3.0.6] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (142 bytes
> received so far) [sender] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data
> stream (code 12) at io.c(600) [sender=3.0.6]
> but with tmp dir:
> rsync -vtr --temp-dir=/disco/rsync.tmp --chmod=ugo=rw 
> --log-file=/disco/incron.log /disco/continuidad/Playlist_Master/* 
> /ContentBridge/omfs/mg0/Video/Master_Control/Playlist_Master 
> sending incremental file list 2014-01-25 0620.txt 2014-01-26
> 0620.txt 2014-01-26 0650.txt 2014-01-27 0600.txt 2014-01-27
> 1330.txt 2014-01-27 1850.txt 2014-01-28 0620.txt 2014-01-28
> 1330.txt
> sent 182819 bytes  received 164 bytes  783.65 bytes/sec total size
> is 182296  speedup is 1.00
> On 28/01/14 10:20, Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
>> On 28.01.2014 08:35, Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have to sync two directories and one is an ftp mount. I had
>>> to set a different tmp dir as tmp files are not allowed in ftp
>>> mounts so I see no point in copying things to a temp dir if
>>> they won't be used for the transfer. Is there any way to
>>> eliminate the use of a tmp dir? If not, could it be a feature
>>> request?
>> rsync doesn't use a tmp-directory by default. The default is to 
>> make it a "."-file with an additions random extension to the
>> filename.
>> So in your case there should be a commandline (rsync.conf?)
>> option set that does that (If i read the man-page correctly, it's
>> -T/--temp-dir). Just remove it and rsync falls back to default
>> behaviour.
>> If you don't want tmp-files at all, with "--inplace" you instruct
>> rsync to change files "inplace", but you should read the man-page
>> for the gotchas.

- -- 
	Kevin Korb			Phone:    (407) 252-6853
	Systems Administrator		Internet:
	FutureQuest, Inc.		Kevin at FutureQuest.net  (work)
	Orlando, Florida		kmk at sanitarium.net (personal)
	Web page:			http://www.sanitarium.net/
	PGP public key available on web site.
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