Error 28 and exclusion

Paul Slootman paul+rsync at
Mon Feb 11 06:04:46 MST 2013

On Mon 11 Feb 2013, at wrote:
> Secondly, I am receiving an error 28 (ENOSPC) on the transfer of a large 
> file.  I make sure the destination file system is double what the source 
> for the possibility of needing to keep copies of both during transfer, but 
> I assumed --delete-before would help me avoid that. 

If a file still exists at the destination but is changed on the source,
then there will be at a point in time two copies of the file at the
destination: the original file and the newly copied file from the
source, under its temporary name. --delete-whatever doesn't come into it.

Only way to avoid that would be --inplace but that might be detrimental
to the speedup, as moved data might not be able to be used as it might
be written over during the transfer. Also the file's contents are not
correct during the transfer (by default the file will have either the
old or the new contents, but not a mix of the two).


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