Problem Backup Maildir to NTFS

Christian Iversen ci at
Fri Nov 16 08:37:08 MST 2012

On 2012-11-16 16:37, Jose Luis Marin Perez wrote:
> Dear Sirs,
> I need to make a backup of email accounts (Maildir) a Linux server to a
> Windows server with NTFS, but get the following error:
> rsync: rename
> "/mnt/rsync/cur/,S=32828:2,S.M92y5w" ->
> "cur/,S=32828:2,S": Invalid argument (22)
> I have installed Rsync v3.0.9
> The command is executed:
> rsync -rltDvu --modify-window=1 --progress --delete /data/user01/Maildir
> /mnt/rsync
> I will appreciate can help me in solving this problem

NTFS is quite restrictive in what characters it allows, so unfortunately 
you cannot use ":".

De bedste hilsner,

Christian Iversen

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