Settings file times only

Kevin Korb kmk at
Wed Apr 11 15:08:48 MDT 2012

Hash: SHA1

"Skipping directory ."  because you didn't tell it to run recursively.
I was suggesting options to add to a normal rsync not the only options
to use.  You would still need either --recursive or --archive if you
are trying to rsync a directory.

On 04/11/12 17:06, James Moe wrote:
> On 04/11/2012 01:53 PM, Kevin Korb wrote:
>> It shouldn't care which way the time stamps are off.  --times 
>> (which is part of --archive) will tell rsync to correct the time 
>> stamps and --size-only tells rsync to assume that files of the
>> same size are actually the same content.
>> In fact the man page entry for --size-only suggests using it for 
>> this situation.
> Here is the result: rsync --times --size-only --itemize-changes
> --dry-run \ /media/backup05 /LocalBackup/pub-data/tmp3/ /t/tmp3/ 
> skipping directory .
> That is it. Obviously rsync found nothing to do. The rsync man page
> indicates "--size-only" (skip files that match in size) skips files
> that have the same size, ignoring the timestamp. Almost all of the
> target files have the same size since all that has changed is the
> timestamp, which I wish to restore on the destination. I also tried
> the "--ignore-times" option (don't skip files that match size and
> time) option with no noticeable change in behavior:
> rsync --times --ignore-times --itemize-changes --dry-run \ 
> /media/backup05/LocalBackup/pub-data/tmp3/ /t/tmp3/ skipping
> directory .
>> On 04/11/12 16:50, James Moe wrote:
>>>> --times --size-only --itemize-changes
>>> That did not work. I am hoping for a way to change the times on
>>>  files where the timestamp is *later* than the source
>>> timestamp.

- -- 
	Kevin Korb			Phone:    (407) 252-6853
	Systems Administrator		Internet:
	FutureQuest, Inc.		Kevin at  (work)
	Orlando, Florida		kmk at (personal)
	Web page:
	PGP public key available on web site.
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