rsync command for multi files and dirs from remote server

Benjamin R. Haskell rsync at
Sun Sep 18 21:43:10 MDT 2011

[reversing t
On Sun, 18 Sep 2011, Kevin Korb wrote:
> On 09/18/11 23:06, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:
>> On Sun, 18 Sep 2011, Noah wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> okay so I have a port knocker installed on my remote server so I am 
>>> trying to bundle a bunch of directories in a single ssh session that 
>>> rsync establishes.  so far all the rsync examples I have seen 
>>> require a new ssh session for each directory.
>>> is there anyway to get something like this into one line and 
>>> therefore one ssh session.  Clues on this?
>> Try the ControlMaster=auto option to SSH with an appropriate 
>> ControlPath setting.
>> Example of usage at: (Googled: SSH multiplex)
>> As an '-e' argument, it'd be:
>> -e 'ssh [...etc...] -o ControlMaster=auto -o
>> ControlPath=~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p [...etc...]'
> BTW, you can specify all that stuff in ~/.ssh/config and save your 
> fingers some wear.

The link I posted showed it in config format.  I was providing an 
alternative, since the OP's already doing weird acrobatics with -e:

>>> -e 'ssh -p <port> -o ServerAliveInternal=10'

But, as you point out, this is probably better placed in an 

Host rsync-reverse
User root
Port <port>
ServerAliveInternal 10
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p

Then, the commands from before:

>>> /usr/bin/rsync -avrz --human-readable --progress --update --perms --ignore-existing -e 'ssh -p <port> -o ServerAliveInterval=10' --delete --relative root@<>:/etc '/shares/internal/<dir>/'
>>> /usr/bin/rsync -avrz --human-readable --progress --update --perms --ignore-existing -e 'ssh -p <port> -o ServerAliveInterval=10' --delete --relative root@<>:/root '/shares/internal/<dir>/'

1. don't need the '-e' option ('ssh' is the default, and the options 
will come from ~/.ssh/config)
2. can use the Host specified above to shorten the source
3. don't need the redundant '-r' and '--perms' (-a includes both)

/usr/bin/rsync -avz --human-readable --progress --update --ignore-existing --delete --relative rsync-reverse:/etc '/shares/internal/<dir>/'
/usr/bin/rsync -avz --human-readable --progress --update --ignore-existing --delete --relative rsync-reverse:/root '/shares/internal/<dir>/'

And, if the sources are really /etc and /root, you can just 
combine them into the following (and the --relative is redundant because 
it's based at the root directory):

/usr/bin/rsync -avz --human-readable --progress --update 
--ignore-existing --delete --relative rsync-reverse:'/etc /root' 

(in which case you might not even need the ControlMaster/ControlPath 


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