rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far)

Matt McCutchen matt at
Tue Mar 23 18:25:12 MDT 2010

On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 17:12 -0700, Bruce Korb wrote:
> Fixing a spelling error for the log file name gets me the log text,
> but not anything I understand:
> Unknown filter rule:  `/gdoc/***'
> OK, I am trying to ensure that files pushed to the "doc" module all start
> with the prefix "/gdoc/".  My reading of the docs seems to say to me that
> this is the way to do it.  How do I do it?  :)

Filter rules must be of one of the types listed in the "FILTER RULES"
section of the man page.  I would recommend the following parameter:

filter = + /gdoc/*** - /**

The following parameters would also work, but they rely on rsync's
special case that never allows the root directory to be excluded, which
I consider poor style:

filter = -! /gdoc/***
filter = + /gdoc/*** - /***

Or, you could just change the module path to point to the "gdoc"


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