rsync on OSX for transferring files using FAT32

Michael Lachmann lachmann at
Sun May 10 13:54:10 GMT 2009

I am trying to transfer files between two OSX machines using a FAT32
formatted flash drive. I am transferring a "big" directory (7G).
Basically I want to sync everyday my home and work computers for some

I tried many possible rsyncs (original supplied, fink 3.0.5/3.0.4
macports 3.0.5, rsync-2.6.3+hfsmode-1.2b2, 3.0.6+fileflags+crtimes)

What I would really like to happen is:
all additional HFS attributes of files are tranferred, and
when no or few changes occur, nothing or little should be copied or
transferred, so I can go home quickly.

I am currently using 3.0.6+fileflags+crtimes, with the following command:
sudo rsync -aNHAXx --fileflags --force-change --modify-window=1  SRC DST

I get errors of the type:
rsync: get_xattr_names:
failed: Operation not permitted (1)

These errors occur, I think, trying to access files that store xattr
on the FAT32 drive. They occur even in a trial run (-n). What is
interesting is that if I run rsync several times consecutively, I get
a different set of files that report these errors - each odd run one
set, and on the even run another.
In addition, I see files that are transferred every time - even when
no change happens. These seem to be directories and some of the
attributes files (._*)

I tried to use bbouncer to check what is copied correctly. For this I did
sudo rsync -vaNHAXx --fileflags --force-change --modify-window=1
/Volumes/Src/ /Volumes/FAT32/DST
sudo rsync -vaNHAXx --fileflags --force-change --modify-window=1
/Volumes/FAT32/DST/ /Volumes/Dst/

and then compared the results with
sudo bbouncer verify /Volumes/Src /Volumes/Dst

Here are the results:
Verifying:    basic-permissions ... FAIL (Critical)
Verifying:           timestamps ... stat: ./some-file: stat: No such
file or directory
FAIL (Critical)
Verifying:             symlinks ... ok (Critical)
Verifying:    symlink-ownership ... FAIL
Verifying:            hardlinks ... stat: link1: stat: No such file or directory
stat: link2: stat: No such file or directory
stat: link3: stat: No such file or directory
FAIL (Important)
Verifying:       resource-forks ... FAIL (Critical)
Verifying:         finder-flags ... ok (Critical)
Verifying:         finder-locks ... ok
Verifying:        creation-date ... ok
Verifying:            bsd-flags ... ok
Verifying:       extended-attrs ... ok (Important)
Verifying: access-control-lists ... FAIL (Important)
Verifying:                 fifo ... FAIL
Verifying:              devices ... FAIL
Verifying:          combo-tests ... FAIL

Can I do better? Should I use different patches, different version,
different flags? Should I just give up and transfer only the files (no
-X), or try to use an HFS formatted partition on a flash drive?

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