Conflicting timestamps in rsyncd.log

Bill Landry bill at
Mon Mar 2 01:21:06 GMT 2009

Hi list,

I just setup my first rsyncd server and all is working well as far as
file syncing goes.  However, I am a bit baffled by the fact that some of
the log entries in the rsyncd.log file are entered in local time and
other are entered in GMT.  Here is a sample:

file upload:
2009/03/01 15:15:49 [22641] connect from UNKNOWN (
2009/03/01 23:15:49 [22641] rsync to some-module/ from some-name at unknown
2009/03/01 23:15:49 [22641] receiving file list
2009/03/01 23:15:49 [22641] unknown some-module
(some-name) some-file.txt
2009/03/01 23:15:49 [22641] sent 168 bytes  received 6258 bytes  total
size 37421

file download:
2009/03/01 15:21:06 [22691] connect from UNKNOWN (
2009/03/01 23:21:06 [22691] rsync on some-module/some-file.txt from
unknown (
2009/03/01 23:21:06 [22691] building file list
2009/03/01 23:21:06 [22691] unknown some-module ()
2009/03/01 23:21:06 [22691] sent 6299 bytes  received 54 bytes  total
size 37421

Note the different (but correct local time) timestamps for "connect" and
the others (which are GMT).  I would like to log all entries with my
local time rather than GMT.  Here is what I have setup for logging in my

log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
log format = %h %a %m (%u) %f

Is there any way to resolve this?  Any suggestions would be greatly

Best regards,


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