Files with / in their name....

Greg Shenaut gkshenaut at
Thu Jul 23 16:35:44 MDT 2009

On Jul 23, 2009, at 1:49 PM, Simon Powell wrote:

> Yeah - this is from a Mac OS X server to a Linux box. It just sees  
> the / and then stops as it expects a directory and sees a file.

If the files are on MacOS, ':' is the classic path delimiter, and in  
OS/X this is translated for what they call "BSD" programs into '/'.  
But that means that the underlying system can have '/' in filenames,  
and they get translated into ':' in the 'BSD" perspective. In other  
words, ":Users:foo:21/08/08.ppt" is translated into "/Users/foo/ 
21:08:08.ppt" and vice versa. Maybe this is related to your problem in  
some way.

Greg Shenaut

> On 23 Jul 2009, at 21:46, Paul Slootman wrote:
>> On Thu 23 Jul 2009, monkeymoped wrote:
>>> Hi there - I am trying to do a site to site nightly rsync between  
>>> two boxes
>>> using ssh - all of the setup steps work and everything can talk  
>>> nicely etc.
>>> However, the users unfortunately have lots of files with / in the  
>>> filename
>>> (eg 21/08/08.ppt etc.) - when I try and run rsync on the content  
>>> of these
>>> folders rsync understandably moans about the filenames being  
>>> invalid (ie it
>>> thinks they are folder seperators rather than filenames) and  
>>> stops. Is there
>>> a way I can get rsync to 'blindly' synch these files and ignore  
>>> the / in the
>>> filename? I would just say to the clients to rename said files but  
>>> there are
>>> a whold bunch of them, ie way too many to do this for. Any help much
>>> appreciated!
>> Wierd, last time I used a microsoft system, internally a forward  
>> slash /
>> was equivalent to a backslash \ , i.e. in C you could do:
>>   fd = open("C:/path/to/file", O_RDONLY);
>> and it would would just fine, accessing C:\path\to\file ...
>> Anyway, you might be helped by using transliterate.diff from the  
>> patches
>> tarball.
>> Paul
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