--delete-before doesn't seem to actually be deleting before transfer

David Brown david at redpaw.co.uk
Tue Jul 14 05:17:03 MDT 2009

You need to use --delete instead of just the --delete-before. You do  
not actually need the "before" bit as this is the default for --delete.


On 14 Jul 2009, at 12:01, Tim Edwards wrote:

> I have a script transferring some backup files onto a USB stick, which
> has limited space. I use rsync 3.0.5 with the following command:
> rsync -av --delete-before /local/backups/dir/backup1_todaysdate
> /local/backups/dir/backup2_todaysdate
> /local/backups/dir/backup3_todaysdate /USBstick/backups/dir
> The USB stick runs out of space if more than 1 backup set is put on  
> it,
> so I'd assumed that by using the --delete-before option would first
> scrub /USBstick/backups/dir of any files that I hadn't listed to be
> transfered - is this how it works? Because it doesn't seem to work  
> that
> way - I have to manually delete the old backups from the USB stick
> before transferring the new.
> Thanks for any help
> Tim Edwards
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Lessons from life: My brothers and I had a secret friend we called  
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He lived in a cave and occasionally ate one of us. It was only  
afterwords we discovered he was a bear.

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