Data loss (corruption with rsync)

Matt McCutchen matt at
Fri Dec 4 15:19:00 MST 2009

On Fri, 2009-12-04 at 18:21 +0200, kordex - wrote:
> I just rsync'd my 1TB partitions formated with jfs filesystem
> containing ~720GB data. I saw -3G difference between source and
> destination which made me suspect possible dataloss. Also I had
> experienced loss of integrity on my previous copies but I did not find
> the cause until now.
> As command line I used following:
> sh-3.2# rsync --verbose --sparse --append-verify --fuzzy --progress
> --stats --recursive --times --delete /mnt/miracle /mnt/storage

> As we all know the second field of output from cksum is the size: so
> the size matches but the content does not.

OK... can you reproduce the problem by copying some of the source files
to a different place on the destination filesystem, or on a different
filesystem?  What if you use cp instead of rsync?  Have you run fsck on
the source and destination filesystems?

> This maybe due fuzzy option but append-verify should (?) confirm that
> the already existing data matches the appended one (?).

Yes, when a file transfer is performed.  If the destination already has
a file that passes the quick check with the source file, no file
transfer is performed.  In that case, consider --ignore-times to disable
the quick check.


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