Enhanced authentication and authorization in rsyncd

Amir Rapson amir.rapson at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 03:06:21 MDT 2009

A slightly better patch file (removed some warnings).

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Amir Rapson<amir.rapson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I added a few things to allow the rsync daemon more refined
> authorization and authentication than the current implementation.
> The attached patch file is against the 3.0.6 version.
> Additions:
> 1. allow the uid and gid used to access a certain module to be
> determined by the authenticated user -
>     uid = __auth__ will use the auth_user's uid
>     gid = __auth__ will use the auth user's main group's gid
> 2. seteuid and not just setuid
> 3. added "rw users" to allow read/write access to a module, "ro users"
> to allow read only access to a module and "deny users".
>     "read only" on the module overrides the user's authorization.
> 4. added support for groups - with a '@' prefix. For instance: "auth
> users = tridge, susan, @rsync_users"
> Authorization logic:
> 1. If the ACL contains a user-specific rule that matches the user,
> then the user is granted rights according to this rule (including
> denying access if the permission is none).
> 2. If the ACL contains a group-rule that denies access of a group the
> user belongs to (permission=none), then access is denied.
> 3. If the ACL contains a group-rule that grants read/write access to a
> group the user belongs to, then the user gets read/write access
> 4. If the ACL contains a group-rule that grants read-only access to a
> group the user belongs to, then the user gets read-only access
> 5. The user is authorized access (for backward compatibility with
> older rsync versions)
> Please consider commiting this patch for future releases of rsync.
> Thanks,
> Amir
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