Error messages 3.0.6pre1

Wayne Davison wayned at
Sat Apr 25 18:10:21 GMT 2009

On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 03:03:02PM -0400, Warren Oates wrote:
> I compiled 3.0.6pre1, including  the crtimes and fileflags patches for
> use on Intel OS X 10.5.6

I just compiled rsync with those patches on an Intel OS X 10.5.6 system,
and didn't see any such errors.  I did see an issue with "make check"
(an output problem in the daemon test's file listing) which pointed me
at an issue with --list-only's handling of create times.  I've fixed
that for the next release.

Do you see free warnings for all rsync copies?  What does "file rsync"
say for the rsync binary?  I'd suggest building your own rsync, and if
the errors continue, I'll need some help to figure out what free is
causing them.


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