looking for superlifter souce code and related information
Wayne Davison
wayned at samba.org
Fri Apr 24 14:34:08 GMT 2009
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 10:39:58AM +0800, Daniel.Li wrote:
> I just googled "superlifter" and found below link, but I can't get any
> source code.
Sadly, superlifter never achieved lift-off, so there was never any
source code for it. I created my own test-bed for some new-protocol
experiments (which you cite in your follow-up -- rZync), but after that
I decided to work on adding incremental scanning to rsync in way that
would keep the program backward-compatible with older rsync versions.
I may finally revisit superlifter/rZync at some point here, but haven't
had the time for that lately. Are other folks wanting to work on ideas
for superlifter?
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