help required for passing parameters to rsync within a script

Matt McCutchen matt at
Wed Sep 24 00:39:59 GMT 2008

On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 22:22 +0100, michael wrote:
> I'm attempting to write a short script to copy all 'CONC*' files in any
> subdir under ./ using rsync and filters but I can't get the correct
> quoting/escaping... any ideas?

> # filter: all subdirs but only CONC* files
> FILTER="--filter=+ \* --filter=+ CONC\* --filter=- \*"
> echo $FILTER
> set -x

The trouble is that, when you expand ${FILTER} outside of double quotes,
bash will split on all spaces in the value, which cuts each filter rule
in two.  To fix this, you can use an underscore instead of a space to
separate the +/- symbol from the pattern, or you can switch to bash
arrays as shown here (but omit the colon before "${COMMAND[@]}" !):


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