how to start rsync daemon on fedora

Wayne Davison wayned at
Fri Oct 10 00:08:46 GMT 2008

On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 03:29:04PM +0100, michael wrote:
> and this is when I've tried both of
> a) /usr/bin/rsync --daemon -v
> b) sudo /sbin/chkconfig rsync on

Fedora supplies an /etc/xinetd.d/rsync file that defaults to off.  Using
your b command should turn it on and sighup xinetd.  If you go the
xinetd route, that means that there won't be a dedicated rsync daemon
running.  You could elect to leave the xinetd config file disabled and
run a daemon, if you like.

However, Fedora doesn't supply an /etc/rsyncd.conf file, which you must
create for rsync to work.  With that set you should be able to run a
"telnet localhost 873".  If not, check the xinetd config files (if
used).  You can also try a "rsync --daemon --no-detach" to see if it
outputs any errors about your config file (it can output some errors
that way that can't make it into a log file, such as permission errors
trying to create the log file).  Hit Ctrl-C to kill it if it didn't die
due to an error (an inability to bind error would be expected if you
left xinetd enabled).


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