Why is -e sent to the remote rsync side?

Shachar Shemesh shachar at shemesh.biz
Mon Oct 6 16:01:46 GMT 2008

Wayne Davison wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 06:47:47AM +0200, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
>> The reason this is brought up is because I'm using rssh
>> (http://www.pizzashack.org/rssh/) as the user's shell to limit that
>> user to only be allowed to run rsync.
> I looked at the source, and created a patch to make it just require the
> --server option as the first option.
> While I was looking at the code, I noticed that the check_command()
> function was busted in that it would accept any abbreviated path of a
> command (e.g. "/usr/bin/rs" would match "/usr/bin/rsync").  The author
> apparently didn't know that strncmp() stops at a null (unlike memcmp()),
> so the length-trimming that is done can just be removed.  My patch fixes
> that too.
Last I talked to the rssh maintainer (about a couple of years ago) I was 
so frustrated with the attitude that I decided to only use rssh until I 
knock something better together myself. He (used to) care about scp and 
sftp, and little else. You can send the patch over, if you're feeling 
lucky. I doubt I'll bother. The only reason I brought the question up 
was that if I am going to be writing something myself, I would need to 
know what to make it enforce.

Personally, and this is not something that any shell can solve, I would 
love for a way to limit the files that the --server side rsync allows 
access to. I can then use a custom shell to pass that command line to 
rsync to ensure it's enforced.
> ..wayne..


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