rsync --server -e VERSION issue

Wayne Davison wayned at
Wed Mar 19 23:55:17 GMT 2008

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:13:38PM +0100, Olivier Thauvin wrote:
> I didn't said -e cause rsync server running a command, but in the case
> the server is setup to allow me to run rsync through ssh, I can rsync
> by hand 'ssh computer rsync -e'.

The nice thing is that there is no need to deny -e as long as --server
is required to be present.  You could even force the command being run
to be "rsync --server", since it doesn't hurt if the client's use of the
option is a duplicate.

The latest rrsync script enforces that --server is specified as the very
first option.  It also understands rsync3's version-passing/flag-passing
use of of the -e option.


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