(cw)rsync 3.0.0 incompatible with 2.6.9

Matt McCutchen matt at mattmccutchen.net
Wed Mar 12 16:16:46 GMT 2008

On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 17:11 +0100, Tevfik Karagülle wrote:
> I am a little bit confused now. What's best ? An rsync with iconv enabled or
> not ? 
> I thought that iconv support could be useful to handle file names with
> foreign characters. However, I see now that an iconv-enabled rsync has some
> compatiblity issues.
> What do you recommend ?

Best would be an rsync that supports the --iconv option but does not use
it unless the user asks.  I.e., configure with "--enable-iconv" (which I
believe is the default), not "--enable-iconv=.".


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