rsync 3.0 and rssh

david reinares reinareslara at
Sat Mar 8 12:49:29 GMT 2008

Since rsync 3.0 i've detected a problem with rssh and -e option....rssh
doesn't allow this option...but is essential to me (cyphered transmission
with ssh).
Surfing the net i've seen a guy that made a patch but I don't know how
reliable is...and rssh former programer says he just left the project so
it's no longer his problem.

Is this stuff going to be updated in rsync or is just a rssh problem? I
guess I'm not the only one using rsync combined with rssh, so it would be
nice having a reliable solution (and by the way an easy one if that's

I would like to thank to everybody that have made possible rsync..this has
to be really hard...and it's a very good thank you very much.
And also to everybody nice enough to answer questions here letting newbies
(like me) an easy aproach to rsync.
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