Incremental backups too large

Robert DuToit rdutoit at
Thu Mar 6 03:35:38 GMT 2008

Hi All,
   Continued good results with rsync 3.0 but I have been noticing that  
incremental no-change backups of my Home folder (15Gb, 50,000+- files)  
have been using up on average about 500+-MB of disk space. Thinking  
back a ways to rsync3.0pre7, or earlier, each incremental took up very  
little space for no-changes, maybe 50+Mb of disk space. I can't seem  
to see where this is coming from as the output shows mainly just the  
list of files checked and very little copying. Nothing obvious  
accounts for this amount of disk space used. I am using:

  rsync -aHAXN --fileflags --link-dest=Path_To_Previous_Backup -v -- 

as options.

Any thoughts on this anyone?   Rob D

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