rsync ignores include rule - analogic to other that works

Matt McCutchen matt at
Tue Jan 29 13:30:51 GMT 2008

On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 15:01 +0200, Julian Davchev wrote:
> I have this rsync to backup specific directories from one PC to another
> in local network.
> All is working smooth except for /storage dir. I just don't get why as I
> am using
> exact same why as I do for other dirs that work.
> I see that it matches it like e.g
> [sender] showing directory /storage because of pattern /storage/
> ..........
> But then again there is no /storage/** like for etc for example.
> [sender] showing directory /etc because of pattern /etc/
> [sender] showing file /etc/csh.login because of pattern /etc/**
> ........
> So at the end /storage dir is created but no content inside. Is it
> possible reason
> that it is too huge and/or too many files inside? But I don't see any
> error on -vv
> Here is script I use
> export RSYNC_RSH="ssh -o Compression=no -x";
> rsync -aHvx  \
>         --include-from=backup.includes \
>         --progress --numeric-ids --delete \
>          --delete-excluded --relative --verbose \
>         / root at
> ---------------------------------------
> backup.includes
> + /etc/
> + /etc/**
> + /var/
> + /var/log/
> + /var/log/**
> + /root/
> + /root/**
> + /usr/
> + /usr/local/
> + /usr/local/**
> + /storage/
> + /storage/**
> - *

Is /storage on a different filesystem from / ?  If so, the contents of
the directory are being excluded by the -x (--one-file-system) option.
Remove this option.  Or, if you want to include the contents of /storage
but not other things on non-root filesystems, then give /storage as an
additional source argument:

rsync -aHvx  \
        --include-from=backup.includes \
        --progress --numeric-ids --delete \
         --delete-excluded --relative --verbose \
        / /storage root at

This takes advantage of the behavior mentioned in the man page
description of -x: "This does not limit the user’s ability to specify
items to copy from multiple filesystems, just rsync’s recursion through
the hierarchy of each directory that the user specified".

If the -x isn't the issue, I don't know what is going on because I set
up your scenario with rsync 2.6.9 and it copied the contents of /storage


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