Need ideas for project

Matt McCutchen matt at
Mon Feb 11 14:02:14 GMT 2008

On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 00:16 -0800, zahed wrote:
> I am a final semester MCA student. I've chosen rsync as the subject of my
> project for my graduation. Hence I would appreciate it if someone could
> guide me with some ideas on how I can contribute to rsync. I will work hard
> to implement whatever suggestions that you can all give me.
> I would definitely like to know what are some of the issues concerning
> rsync. May be I can then select one or two issues and try to solve them. I
> have 5 months for this project.

Wow!  The bug database at has a bunch of
things that need fixing and some enhancements that might be worth doing,
but with five months, I think you could do something much more
significant.  A while ago, Wayne Davison and Martin Pool came up with
some ideas for "superlifter", a next-generation file copying tool that
would overcome many of the architectural limitations of rsync, but no
work has been done on superlifter for a few years.  You could look at
what has been proposed so far, continue working toward a design, and
possibly make a superlifter prototype that people could start to play
with.  Perhaps Wayne will have some further guidance (or will even help
you now that rsync 3.0.0 work is winding down).


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